American-born cinematographer's book ‘In Quest of Guru’ on spiritual Transformation released by Dr. Nirmalanandanatha swamiji in Bengaluru

American-born cinematographers book ‘In Quest of Guru’ on spiritual Transformation released by Dr. Nirmalanandanatha swamiji in Bengaluru

Bengaluru: The vibrant city of Bengaluru witnessed an enlightening event organised by Thinkers Forum - Karnataka at the Mythic Society, celebrating...

Bengaluru: The vibrant city of Bengaluru witnessed an enlightening event organised by Thinkers Forum - Karnataka at the Mythic Society, celebrating the Bangalore release of the transformative modern Sanatana Dharma book, ‘In Quest of Guru’ blessed by Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, the 72nd Pontiff of Sri Adichunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Math. The book authored by Ananda Mathews, an American-born cinematographer who arrived in Bharat several years ago, is a beacon of hope and a guide for those seeking personal and Spiritual transformation.

Written with Ananda’s Guru Ji, the esteemed Spiritualist Divine Colonel - Ashok Kini Ji, ‘In Quest of Guru’ explores the practical application of Sanatana Dharma, offering a contemporary approach to our ancient Vedic principles for contentment and joyful living. ‘In Quest of Guru’ is not just a book; it is a Spiritual Transformation Tool presented in modern words for easy understanding by Global Youth and Spiritual Seekers.

Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji endorsed ‘In Quest of Guru’ saying, “If an American-born author has come to Bharat and understood the roots of Sanatana Dharma, manifesting the same in the form of the book ‘In Quest of Guru’, it prompts us, as Bharatiyas, to ask ourselves: What are we doing to promote our culture and foster global peace through Bharat’s values? Do we not have a responsibility to share Sanatana Dharma’s teachings for the welfare of humanity? Ananda Mathews has become a part of Bharat's Spirituality and provides simplified Vedic guidance for Spiritual seekers worldwide. It makes us ask ourselves, ‘What are we doing to promote Dharma and culture to the global citizens?’”

The event brought together renowned Spiritual leaders and distinguished personalities such as Padmashri Dr H R Nagendra Guru Ji of S-VYASA Yoga University, Maj Gen Dr. GD Bakshi Ji (appearing virtually), Justice P. Krishna Bhat Ji, Lt Gen A Natarajan Ji former Adjutant General of the Indian Army, and Lt Gen PG Kamath Ji former Military Secretary of the Indian Army, who added their wisdom and insights to the enlightening discussions.

Dr H R Nagendra Guru Ji beautifully describes the journey that ‘In Quest of Guru’ will take Spiritual seekers on, saying, “It is the Ananda that pervades everything. The creation has come from Ananda. It is in the deep silence where Ananda exists. Our scriptures give us the definition of Yoga - scientific union with the Divine. Likewise, this book, written by Ananda Mathews, will certainly benefit the youth of our nation Bharat, easily guiding them to understand Spirituality and Divinity, enabling them to find joy in everything within the universe.”

Justice P Krishna Bhat Ji shared profound insights on ‘In Quest of Guru’, emphasising, “To truly be a positive human and fulfil the purpose of this life, one must have a Guru and a noble aim dedicated to serving humanity. Various professions like engineering, medicine and government service vividly demonstrate that genuine success stems from a Guru's guidance and selfless service for the betterment of society. The book ‘In Quest of Guru’ imparts these invaluable teachings. Following its guidance will elevate one to a Divine state. The author of ‘In Quest of Guru’, Ananda Mathews, who arrived in Bharat 13 years ago, has transformed into Ananda, understanding our profound Spirituality. He recognises that within Bharat are the answers to all the world’s problems. Ananda Mathews gave up everything in search of truth in Bharat. Now, he imparts Bharat’s wisdom to Spiritual seekers worldwide.”

This book illustrates a human Soul’s journey toward enlightenment through a modern approach to ageless Sanatana Dharma and Vedic Principles for contented, joyful Ananda living. Through the captivating narrative, readers are taken on a transformative voyage of self-realisation and Spiritual awakening, echoing the universal quest for truth and knowledge.

Ananda Mathews shares his profound transformation in Bharat, the journey from Matthew David Zschoche to Ananda Mathews, guiding seekers of truth to a path of lasting happiness. His encounter with his Guru Ji, Divine Colonel - Ashok Kini Ji, marked a turning point, guiding him towards a life dedicated to sharing Bharat's ever-descending Spiritual knowledge.

Many may not get to experience the one-to-one physical presence of a Guru but through the energy behind the words of ‘In Quest of Guru’, Spiritual seekers will feel that they are being transformed in the presence of an Enlightened Saint. The book seems to answer all our deep questions of life. You will feel it is your journey you are reading, and the book is speaking directly to you. Through the conversation between Ananda Mathews and Divine Colonel - Ashok Kini Ji, sharing deep Spiritual insights and compassionate guidance, the reader will come to understand how to practically apply the essence of Sanatana Dharma to overcome any challenge.

Spiritualist Divine Colonel - Ashok Kini Ji is a Kannadiga from the Mangalore area. After graduating from Calicut University, he joined the Indian Army and had a colourful service of 20 years. He was in the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka and also served in the United Nations Peace Keeping Force in Angola. He was in charge of ceremonies during the Kargil War and handled the last journey of the Martyrs’ bodies.

Maj Gen Dr. GD Bakshi Ji explains that ‘Smashana Sadhana’ was forced on Colonel Kini, who could turn these challenges into an opportunity to move on the Spiritual path with a quest for understanding the truth of life and divinity. "He is blessed by Baba Nithyananda of Kanhangad, all his Gurus and the Divine Mother”, General Bakshi Ji emphasised during his virtual participation in the book release program. The “Divine Colonel” title was bestowed on him by former President, Bharat Ratna Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Ji in recognition of his Spiritual bent of mind. He was blessed to receive a Guru Mantra from Dr. Kalam with a mission to convert religion into a Spiritual force and spread the message of sustainable living.

‘In Quest of Guru’ has already begun touching lives, inspiring individuals to overcome life's challenges and embark on joyful paths of selfless service. Published by Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House (MLBD), Bharat’s oldest publisher, the book stands as a testament to the timeless wisdom of Sanatana Dharma. Its profound message resonated deeply with the audience, serving as a poignant reminder that the journey to true happiness and contentment lies within, waiting to be discovered.

For those eager to embark on their own Spiritual journey, ‘In Quest of Guru’ is now available on Amazon. Spiritual seekers can also connect with Ananda Mathews and Guru Ji through various social media platforms, including Instagram @ananda_mathews or by writing to [email protected].

The event concluded with a powerful message from Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji: "If Ananda Mathews can get transformed, so can every youth, man, and woman of Bharat and the world.”

Swamiji expressed deep gratitude and joy for being a part of the book unveiling ceremony, alongside prominent personalities from Bengaluru. He extended his heartfelt thanks to Divine Colonel - Ashok Kini Ji for graciously inviting him to release the book. Recollecting their memories of interactions at Rashtrapathi Bhavan during Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s presidency, Swamiji noted that Divine Colonel possesses immense Spiritual knowledge. He was able to impart this profound wisdom to Matthew, appropriately naming him Ananda Mathews, signifying a Soul that alleviates the sorrows of the people and brings happiness to their lives.

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