How students misuse their power

How students misuse their power

It has become a subject of analysis as to what extent are the students’ demands legitimate? Are they politically motivated? It is a fact that comparatively the students of the South are more responsible and our universities are better than the other universities in the country.

It has become a subject of analysis as to what extent are the students' demands legitimate? Are they politically motivated? It is a fact that comparatively the students of the South are more responsible and our universities are better than the other universities in the country.

Student indiscipline began in states like West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and the then Union Territory, New Delhi. The fall of the Chimanbai Patel Ministry in the 1970s is not the only instance of a government being toppled by a student agitation. The Ministry of Orissa had to resign in 1964 as a result of series of student demonstrations. The anti-Hindi agitation in Tamil Nadu forced the Union Government to postpone and reconsider the implementation of its language policy. The student agitations are mostly sporadic and local factors predominantly play their role. Will someone listen to our song of woe? The girls in Kerala went on a musical satyagraha in 1971 to protest against fee hike.

In the year 1973 it spread to Mumbai. There was a student upsurge and irate young men and women (other than students also) went on a rampage at the university of Mumbai until the Vice Chancellor and the Principals of affiliated colleges conceded their demands.

The students' union does not want to take over the administration of the university. We can go quite a long way without political parties. In any case, political parties will only enter the picture when the city's students become a social force which they are not as yet.

Student agitations have toppled ministries but have not eradicated corruption or political opportunism. On the contrary, they have been allowing themselves to be made instruments of such an opportunism. There is nothing wrong if students agitate for reforms in the system of university education. The courses are fossilised and are not relevant to the social needs for trained manpower. The syllabi are outdated. Methods of teaching are appallingly barren and do little to develop the students' creativity and power of reasoning. The examination system is outmoded and absolute and it is inadequate means of testing the student's knowledge and intellectual abilities.

There are some constructive agitations and such agitations would evoke wide support from the educated classes. The community at large would be benefitted apart from the university education getting a facelift. If the standards are diluted and for such moves the agitations take place, then the demands of students are not justifiable. One of the commonest things that spark off a student riot is a tough question paper. The students tear answer books, create disorder, manhandle the invigilators and make it impossible to conduct examinations.

That is why the paper setters are so mortally afraid of offending the students that they take more than adequate care to set easy questions. Poor percentage of passes at university examinations are another ground for student ire. That is why the university authorities give grace marks. Those people who spend the required number of days in the university are automatically given a degree and this satisfies the student community. Rise in fees is another fertile ground for discontent.

In 1973, 5000 students of Allahabad University surrounded the house of Vice Chancellor and threatened to cut off his hands unless some students are readmitted to the university. Three years ago there were student demonstrations against the ban on tight pants and mini-skirts. The agitators are led by a handful of student leaders who are often politically motivated and financed. The general body of students are indifferent to politics. Their agitations do not appear to be aimed at improving current conditions but on the contrary at lowering the existing standards of education.

Politicians use students as are mere tools. "They need young people for their election campaigns". The junior B.A., results declared in June 1973 showed that she had a Third Class in French. The girl was expecting a first class and was in tears. She had some pull and able to get her papers reexamined. And she found herself not merely in the first class but right at the top of the list.

The student revolt is not one-day affair. It was actually a culmination of a process which had been going for some time. Over the years the university was being flooded with sub-standard teachers and student indiscipline began to generate. The requirements regarding their attendance were honoured more in the breach and the college periodical tests were not taken more often than not. The principals bought peace by periodically conceding the demands of the students whether they are justified or not.

The copying at the university examination was common and so corrupt practices on the part of the invigilators and examiners. The standards of passing were being diluted to appease the student population. Because the Vice-Chancellor and the principals were taking a moderate view in the matter some colleges where good academic attainments were held became victims of academic chaos. In Mumbai the battle is now on against the passing of university bill hurriedly. They feel it is another anti-student measure.

In fact, many of the students, girls and boys join colleges because they cannot find employment after they finish school. If the students agitate for better and more flexible courses more rigorous and useful work in the classrooms, practical training and vocational courses, a more meaningful and fair system of assessment of their reasonable chance of getting employment on completion of studies, they would be perfectly justified in doing so.

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