Do you have a dream or a desire?

Do you have a dream or a desire?

Do you have a dream or a desire?


Life is all about what you want and what can you give, for what you want!

What a great feeling to have a dream and find it come true? Do you have a dream? What is a dream?

What is the difference between a 'Dream' and a 'Desire'?

A 'Dream' is something that inspires you to exist in this World. A "Dream" is not something which you get, when you sleep but that which does not allow you to sleep. A dream will always give you immense energy to keep working to accomplish things in your life. A dream is the seed, which can take you to the height of your vision. It does not depend upon the limit set by this world. It does not bind you to any restrictions defined by anyone else. A dream finds you capable of reaching there, where you are smiling at your own accomplishments. Basically, your purpose to "Live in this world"

A 'Desire' is a deep urge to do something in life. It may be meeting a celebrity, being part of a happening, attending a much sought-after event or having a wonderful friend. A desire is something you will always want to achieve but you are okay even if you could not. A desire becomes less important if it is competing with the practical situation or priorities become different. A desire's significance is lesser than your peace and happiness. Desire seems too ambitious to go out of your way to accomplish it.

While everyone finds a simple desire that did not come true; anyone with a dream will not heed to this and always believe that his/her 'Dreams will come true'. A person who has a dream is ready to pay any cost to accomplish his dreams. This cost can be restless nights when you are searching solutions, your hunger to find your answers to your next step, your drive to learn and spend hours and days to make your mark, your respectful submission to your pathways to explore and experiment. We see many such legends who have found their way to their dreams because they made their dreams as priority.

Life is all about what you want and what can you give, for what you want!

If you want something big you will have to make a small step to its beginning. All who have reached the top had their accomplishments just in their thoughts. There is a saying, "Sky is the limit". I say sky is also not the limit.

Looking at birds in the sky someone thought- What if we are able to go flying to reach different places? When wheels were invented someone wondered-How the journey could be made with little efforts to reach the destination faster?A small step to any dream is to 'Believe in it'. Since it is your dream, you are the only one, who can add fuel to that.

Adding fuel to your dream means…

♦ Believing you will be there

♦ Do all it takes to be there

♦ Do it with complete happiness.

Complete faith is what makes the dreams easier to achieve.When there is darkness we are only able to take one step at a time. So, take steps and universe will open one door at a time for big things to be accomplished. Don't diminish your thoughts and don't take excuses for not taking that first step.

A person who has….

♦ Believed in his dreams

♦ Has given his best for it

♦ Has valued the journey along with the success milestones

♦ Has been objective in correcting his ways to an improved strategy

♦ Has been positive about every hurdle which he faced

♦ Has toiled and stretched to see himself as a winner

♦ Has visualized his accomplished dream

♦ Has taken the required small steps and kept moving

Is bound to lead his journey to success with a smile to finally accomplish his dreams.Because-Your dream makes your existence in this world justified. Your dream announces you as a part of the winning team of the Universe. Your dream is your continuous motivation to be on this earth. So, what are you waiting for? Your purpose is to achieve your Dream!Get going now.

(The author is the Performance Coach ( For more questions you may write your questions on [email protected])

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