Soros & Gandhis links raise many disturbing questions

Soros & Gandhis links raise many disturbing questions

What is making the Gandhis press on with Adani-Modi nexus charges? Why are they reluctant to come clean on charges, by daring the government to order...

What is making the Gandhis press on with Adani-Modi nexus charges? Why are they reluctant to come clean on charges, by daring the government to order a probe into the alleged links of Congress party with George Soros? Is fear of the probe itself making them go on the offensive by raking up Adani issue against the government? It is now not only the responsibility of Congress to seek a probe, but it is equally the responsibility of the Government of India to order a thorough probe since it strongly believes that Congress has links with foundations run by George Soros and that they even allegedly got some funds from George Soros foundation. The government cannot remain silent on this serious issue as it could affect its image as well and people will ask why BJP was hesitating to order probe into the alleged shady deals of Congress. The controversy becomes murkier as there are certain pointers which indicate that the Congress party and many of its leaders have links with George Soros

The Congress party has been losing elections ‘Fatafat Thakatak’ in the last 10 years (about 90 plus elections), just because it has been fighting a battle without ammunition. They thought Adani would be the best bet to defeat BJP and pull down the Modi gov-ernment.

What they thought was their most powerful missile had taken a ‘U’ turn and could hit them very hard if the Government of India ordered a serious and detailed probe into the alleged links be-tween the Congress party and George Soros. Maybe it is this fear which made the Congress adopt the policy of ‘offense is the best way of defense.’ But then how long can they fire from am-munition-less guns? It is easy to call the allegations of links be-tween the Congress and George Soros ‘ridiculous’, as Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had done. But then there are many questions that the Congress needs to answer.

If it is ridiculous as Priyanka said, then why not the Congress drop their Adani bashing and demand a probe into the alleged links of Congress party with George Soros? The image of over 100-year-old Congress party is under question. This being the situation why are they scripting circus in Parliament? Distributing roses outside but creating ruckus inside. What exactly is happen-ing? Why don’t they come forward and demand in the house ei-ther for a JPC on these allegations or an immediate and detailed probe so that they can come clean if they are so innocent? This will help them emerge as a powerful and trusted opposition party.

Initially, when the BJP leaders and MPs came up with the charg-es against the Congress alleging that there were links between George Soros and Sonia Gandhi and many other Congress MPs and leaders, it appeared as if it was a counter rhetoric by the saf-fron party since Congress had been indulging in theatrics on Adani issue. But a deeper study indicates that it is not just a counter rhetoric. It raises several questions which include the possible conspiracy against the sovereignty of the country. Let us wish it is not true. But it cannot be brushed away so easily.

It is now not only the responsibility of Congress to seek a probe, but it is equally the responsibility of the Government of India to order a thorough probe since it strongly believes that Congress has links with foundations run by George Soros and that they even allegedly got some funds from George Soros foundation. The government cannot remain silent on this serious issue as it could affect its image as well and people will ask why BJP was hesitating to order probe into the alleged shady deals of Con-gress.

The controversy becomes murkier as there are certain pointers which indicate that the Congress party and many of its leaders have links with George Soros. A tweet by Shashi Tharoor in 2009 in which he said, “Met old friend George Soros, upbeat about In-dia and curious about our neighbourhood. He’s more than an in-vestor, a concerned world citizen.” BJP says this proves that there is a close link between Congress and its leaders with So-ros. So, who is George Sorus? An investor? What is his concern about the world or is it more about India?

In a speech, Soros said, “A democratically elected Narendra Modi is creating a Hindu Nationalist State.” At Munich Security Conference, he said, “he wants to significantly weaken Modi’s stranglehold over India by targeting Adani.” It is also alleged that there are many lawmakers who are close to George Soros.

What is his interest in pulling down the Indian government? Now if we see the sequence of events that follow, whenever the Par-liament session was to begin, Congress has been creating ruck-us. First, it was Pegasus issue and now comes the Adani issue and ‘Constitution Khatre Mein Hai’ slogan. Rahul Gandhi and Congress leaders question the electoral process in the country.

The BJP alleges that the OCCRP (Organised Crime and Corrup-tion Reporting Project) was the author of Pegasus controversy and scripted the Adani issue. According to Sunday Guardian, “OCCRP is a brainchild of the US State Department, which has continued to support it through regular grants from the $66 billion budget that it received this year. Apart from direct funding, the in-volvement of individuals close to the State Department, like George Soros, suggests that OCCRP has also received financial assistance indirectly from organizations allied to the State De-partment.”

However, on December 2 in a statement, OCCRP said, “OCCRP has no limits on its journalism, and no donor influences our re-porting. The story, co-written by a disgruntled former member of our network, was unable to cite a single instance of inaccuracy or influence in our work and relied instead on insinuation and impli-cation.”

But the BJP alleges that the former UPA chairperson Sonia Gan-dhi is the Co-chairperson of Forum of Democratic leaders in Asia Pacific which gave donations to Olof Palme International Centre which is a Swedish labour movement’s umbrella organisation for international solidarity.

This organisation claims that they work globally for democracy, human rights, social justice, peace and sustainability through a just transition – in the spirit of Olof Palme and support progres-sive social movements and parties that change societies and people’s everyday lives.

The saffron party leaders allege that this organisation had called for Amnesty International to investigate in Kashmir and called people of Jammu as secessionist. Fingers are also being pointed at ‘Global Knowledge Initiative,’ of which Sam Pitroda is a board member. It is alleged that this organisation has been funding Ra-hul’s visit to the US. The question is does this organisation also receive funds from Soros? What about the Rajiv Gandhi founda-tion? Did they also get funds from Soros?

Questions are endless. One does not know what the truth is. Hence,

it is must for the NDA government to order a thorough probe into the Soros affair and bring the truth out at the earliest. Congress accusing Adani, BJP alleging Congress links with So-ros won’t take the country anywhere. The allegations and counter allegations should not end with Parliament Session. Truth must come out.

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