YOGA for women’s health

YOGA for women’s health

Menstrual hygiene and health are among the top concerns for women and are a major source of anxiety.

Menstrual hygiene and health are among the top concerns for women and are a major source of anxiety. Some yoga postures can widen the pelvic opening, minimising any congestion as much as possible. By including a few simple yoga poses into your regimen, you can drastically reduce the amount of cramping you experience on the days of your monthly cycle. Even a brief series of simple yoga postures combined with some gentle stretching, deep breathing, or Om chanting will be quite beneficial. Also, this will be helpful in regulating emotions that would otherwise result in irritability, mood swings, depression, anxiety, or anger.

Yoga for Thyroid

On general, women are thought to experience thyroid issues more frequently than males. Weight gain or loss brought on by hormonal imbalances, delayed menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, etc. is one of the main signs of thyroid disease. Stress and anxiety are two major contributors to thyroid-related illnesses. Yoga asanas use precise alignment to mould the body in ways that massage the thyroid gland subtly. The thyroid gland is stimulated through postures that require you to twist, go upside down, and other difficult positions. Also, this promotes a healthy metabolism throughout the body.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga can be a useful cardiovascular activity to raise your heart rate and aid in calorie burning if you’re looking for a solution to lose the additional weight. The most persistent fat is found in the abdominal region, and certain yoga postures can help reduce it.

Yoga during Pregnancy

Prenatal and Postnatal

Pregnancy is an extremely stressful and significant period in a woman’s life. Yet it’s also one that can be rather difficult and nerve-wracking. Health should be carefully checked due to the nature of the changing body, hormonal fluctuations, desires, etc. Despite these significant changes, the time period can still be enjoyable if there are no problems. Yoga, sound sleep, and an abundance of nutrient-rich food may be the key to a healthy mother and kid.

Women can maintain a peaceful, strong, and prepared body and mind for labour and delivery by engaging in a gentle and supervised yoga practise. There are some poses that are thought to be particularly helpful during pregnancy. Posture variations like Baddha Konasana, Balasana, and Vajrasana help to open the hips, strengthen, and maintain a flexible, strong back. Medical professionals and experts recommend yoga as the safest type of exercise for expectant mothers. Surya Namaskar, often known as the Sun Salutation, is a powerful method to start your practise using yoga practises. This full-body exercise improves the body’s strength, tone, and flexibility. Starting with 5 cycles each day, you can gradually increase the number as your stamina improves.

Yoga is certain to become a devoted and consistent partner that brings about positive changes, whether it is for men or women. Yoga gives its practitioners tremendous physical, mental, and emotional fortitude so they may face any obstacles with confidence and ease. All you have to do is consistently practise yoga asanas and pranayama at least three times per week. Also, you can combine this with consuming a

healthy diet which includes plenty of fruits, and vegetables.

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