The rhythmic beats

The rhythmic beats

SICA held a Kuchipudi Rangapravesham program recently and was presented by Ananya and Anushka Madhira who are sisters in their teens presented their debut performances under the guidance of Gurus Dr Saraswati Rajatesh and Bhagyasri Manohar. The rhythmic beats and complex moves characterising the dance form captured Ananya’s attention from a young age, Anushka followed in her sister’s footsteps

SICA held a Kuchipudi Rangapravesham program on Friday Rajasekhar the secretary of the association was the Guest mentor for the evening. Ananya and Anushka Madhira who are sisters in their teens presented their debut performances under the guidance of Gurus Dr Saraswati Rajatesh and Bhagyasri Manohar. The rhythmic beats and complex moves characterising the dance form captured Ananya’s attention from a young age, Anushka followed in her sister’s footsteps. Telling tales and expressing emotions on the stage inspired them to make it their forte. They are also dedicated to academia and keenly interested in sports activities - Taekwondo being their joint favourite. The orchestra was able with vocal- Mruduravali, Mridangam - Sridharacharya, Flute-Pramod and violin- Kolanka Sai.

Ganesha was invoked in hamsadhwani by both sisters as the remover of obstacles to herald a smooth progress. The Elephant headed God’s ponderous but nimble gait was well evoked. An atana jatiswaram was next containing patterns which were well expressed in the elegant and graceful vocabulary of Kuchipudi. Nritta or pure dance was done well with executed precision in synchronization.

“Koluvaithiva Ranga Sayi” describing the glorious divine beauty of Lord Ranganatha was splendidly evoked by Ananya as abhinaya and Nritta matched depicting in succeeding stanzas that a thousand eyes were required to absorb his radiance. The majestic reclining Lord adorned with Tulasi on the hooded Serpent Adisesha was Skillfully conveyed. Mandooka Shabdam is a simple but entrancing piece with staccato beat which set the audience to keeping pace.

Sivastakam evokes the glory of Lord Shiva in resounding stanzas authored by Sankaracharya which thrill with bhakti bhava.

Anushka charmingly essayed the part of Satyabhama in the Pravesha Daruvu part of Bhamakalapam where the leading character is introduced showing her haughty and proud nature which sets the stage for the famous ballet. A light Javali “Vaani Pondu” by Dharmapuri was followed by the always refreshing masterpiece “Endaro Mahanubhavulu” of Saint Thyagaraja which is famous for having been composed extempore giving ample scope for the sisters to frame their skills in both items.

The concluding beautiful Bala Gopala Tarangam of Narayana Teertha which is melodious to perfection was a delight for the audience as both dancers portrayed Krishna’s actions lyrically. The talent here displayed it is hoped would be taken to higher levels by the Artistes who deserve encouragement in their future career .

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