Another Chapter Is About To Unfold

Another Chapter Is About To Unfold

The lost leaves measure our years, they are gone as the days are gone, and the bare branches silently speak of a new year, slowly advancing to its foliage, its buds and fruit.

The lost leaves measure our years, they are gone as the days are gone, and the bare branches silently speak of a new year, slowly advancing to its foliage, its buds and fruit. The trees associate with human life. New Year for me- a new chapter, a new verse or may be the just same old story? Ultimately, we write it. The choice is ours. The object of New Year is not that we should have a new soul, or appearance. It’s important as it’s a precise moment for leaving somethings in the past while embracing change and challenges. It is the glittering light to brighten the dream lined path way of future. The light links us through ages to that past consciousness.

I am not a pessimist to stay up to midnight to make sure the old year leaves. I am an optimist who would stay up to see the New Year in. To be honest, new year is an ageing future that brings a pessimist note to me. I am naturally, shy of novelties, new books, new faces, new year from some mental twist which makes it difficult in me to face the prospective. But I have decided to enter this New Year with a gratitude for this new chance to have survived many onslaughts to make your dreams come true.

New Year’s, eve is like a common Birth Day to mankind. No one can ever regard the first of January with indifference. It’s that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. Plan to welcome and greet 2025 with optimism. Each New Year offers an exciting opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings which is probably we all look forward to New Year’s, eve so much. No matter what your goals for the coming year are or how much you were disappointed and failed the previous year but ringing in the start of a New Year is a moment to acknowledge. Better celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings. The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all. I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. The year’s end is not an end or a beginning but a continuity with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.

As part of the process of his many reforms Julius Caesar instituted January 1 as the first day of the year partly to honour the month’s name’s sake: Janus, the Roman God of beginnings, whose two faces allowed him to look back into the past and forward into the future. The Roman Republican calendar and the Julian calendar both recognized 1st of January as the beginning of the New Year.

The Line Islands (part of Kiribati) and Tonga, in the Pacific Ocean are the first places to welcome the New Year. We Indians have numerous days, throughout the year celebrated as New Year’s Day in different regions of India. But 1st January is celebrated by the whole World irrespective of the regions and religions as the calendar year starts from then on all over the world.

Welcoming the New Year is mostly late partying, dancing, family gatherings, feasting, gift exchanges, fireworks and the most exciting is the count downs. We get excited, exhilarated as if life is going to be a bed of roses and full of happiness.

We forget the fact that how it is possible for the modern man and woman to live a happy and content life since most things in this world pushes them to an existence filled with anxiety and problems. Happiness is a myth which no one should take seriously.

New Year celebrations are incomplete without new year resolutions, a tradition most common with all. Every year millions of people make new year’s resolution, hoping to spark positive change. Despite the best of intentions, once the glow of a fresh new year wears off, many people struggle to make good on their plans. According to a study published in the journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year resolutions were successful. If you are not in that pass list don’t worry, because next year will be better, right? You are not alone. As you start thinking about the changes you want to implement, make sure to stay positive, try to change habits gradually, allow a little room for error. Prioritize the needs. Know your personal limitation and band width. Final thought: It is better to tackle one resolution well than multiple resolutions poorly. Share your resolutions with friends and family. The upshot here is that when you do succeed, the people you shared with will celebrate with you and you enjoy the fun and the booster dose.

Each New Year, we have before us like a brand-new exercise book containing 365 blank pages. Don’t count, sure to have so many leaves. Let us fill them with all forgotten things from last year---the words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer. The New Year stands before us like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting GOALS.

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