The pinnacle of happiness

The pinnacle of happiness

The craving for achievements, along with accomplishments and success, without doubt, creates excitement, but it also creates misery that comes from disappointments that are associated with unmet expectations. People think that ‘success is happiness’. However, this is not the truth. The truth is that ‘happiness is success

We all seek happiness. We pursue it relentlessly. We all have expectations that give an impetus to our desires, only to create a moment that is pleasurable but that ultimately leads to craving more happiness. What we don't know or realise is that happiness has peaks. The first peak is Achievement. About 80% of humanity spends their entire life on this first peak of happiness, Achievement. On the first peak, we chase fame, success, name but this only gives us temporary pleasure. Most of us are consumed by greed. We want more and more. Many of our desires and expectations remain unfulfilled. Each time our expectations are not met or a desire is not fulfilled; we become unhappy and get disappointed.

The craving for achievements, along with accomplishments and success, without doubt, creates excitement, but it also creates misery that comes from disappointments that are associated with unmet expectations. People think that 'success is happiness'. However, this is not the truth. The truth is that 'happiness is success

We accept this as the circle of life and we continue living like this — wanting, seeking, achieving, being happy and then again, becoming unhappy. The craving for achievements, along with accomplishments and success, without doubt, creates excitement, but it also creates misery that comes from disappointments that are associated with unmet expectations. People think that 'success is happiness'. However, this is not the truth. The truth is that 'happiness is success. Most of us live and die on this first peak of happiness without even realising that there are other peaks of happiness beyond the peak of Achievement. The happiness we derive from this peak is illusory pleasure or momentary happiness. After experiencing the first peak of happiness - achievement, some people scale the second peak of happiness, fulfillment. This is where a seeker of happiness learns to be content and lives with fulfillment. Those on this peak, count their blessings rather than the money they have. They try to make a difference in the world. They live with positivity — with inspiration, laughter, and love. Happiness that comes from contentment and fulfillment is far more satisfying and enduring than happiness that comes from pleasure and achievements. Pleasure is the raw material of the achievers, while peace is the foundation of fulfillment. However, people, despite living with contentment, still suffer. They are not free from misery and unhappiness. The only way to live with everlasting bliss is to ascend the third peak of happiness — enlightenment. Enlightenment is to bring in the light. It is about self-realisation and God-realisation, realising our true self, and realising God.

Enlightenment liberates us from everything that causes misery and sorrow. It brings freedom from stress, worry, anger, greed, and revenge; freedom from duty and shame; and liberation from old age, disease, death, and rebirth. The third peak of happiness is scaled when we realise the Truth. Realisation of the truth eradicates the darkness of ignorance that humanity lives with. It leads to a life of contentment, fulfillment, joy, bliss, peace, and tranquility which is not interrupted by any kind of misery, pain, and sorrow. Many seekers, even if they attain such a state of bliss, aren't able to sustain it. The only way to sustain this state of bliss is by connecting with the Divine, being in union with God.

Two things can lead a seeker to the third peak of happiness: passion for finding the true purpose of life or the desire to be in union with God. These two reasons may take one on a spiritual quest and eventually to the 4 doors to Liberation: discrimination, dispassion, discipline, and desire for the divine, which are prerequisites to attaining liberation and which every seeker must pass through to experience the ultimate happiness.

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