Constructing and deconstructing the terminology of spirituality

Constructing and deconstructing the terminology of spirituality

Constructing the terminology of spirituality is like putting building blocks together, block by block, till we reach the realisation of the truth or enlightenment.

Constructing the terminology of spirituality is like putting building blocks together, block by block, till we reach the realisation of the truth or enlightenment. It is like solving a jigsaw puzzle; putting the pieces of a spiritual jigsaw puzzle together till all the pieces reveal the complete picture, the truth — till that spark of light, the spiritual reality, the science of the soul or the spirit is revealed. Before we can construct the terminology of spirituality or the way of spirituality, it is important to deconstruct it.

'To deconstruct' means 'to eliminate the myth'. It is to do away with the stories that we have been told. It is to discern the truth from the lies. It is to overcome the ignorance that we have grown up with and live with. Spirituality is not about 'spirits'. It is not about being an ascetic and renouncing this world to live in a cave or a hut in a forest. It is about realising our true self — that we are the Soul, the Spirit, the Atman.

From the time we are born, we are told, 'You are John' or 'You are Rita.' We are given a name. We must contemplate, 'Am I really John?' No, John is just a name. Did we come into this world with a name tag? Or with our name stamped on our forehead? No, of course not. We were given a name by our family, our parents. On our birthday, we cut a cake to celebrate being born.

But the day itself is fake - it's not our birthday! Again, reflect, contemplate. Is our birthday really our birthday? Weren't we, in reality, born 9 months before we were actually 'delivered'? Our mothers can tell us that we were kicking and moving in the womb. Long before we came out of the womb, we were already born. Therefore, if we want to construct the right terminology of spirituality, we have to first deconstruct the myth, the ignorance that we have grown up with, the darkness we live in. We have to clean the glass of life, which is so full of filth, which is so full of lies that we are not able to see the truth, we are not able to realise the truth.

This is the way to first deconstruct then reconstruct. So, to sum up, first eliminate the myths. Then, we need to arrive at the truth. Once we construct, block by block, piece by piece, the spiritual jigsaw puzzle, we will see the light of truth. The light within will illuminate to help us realise that we are not the body, the mind and the ego that we appear to be. We are the Divine Soul, the Atman, the Spirit. We are immortal spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience.

We will realise that God is not who we think God is. We think that God is a he or a she. But God is not a man or a woman. God is a Power, a Power that is Supreme, Immortal. God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power. We have been taught that God lives far away in heaven, when in reality, God lives in the temple of our heart. God is what gives us breath, life. Let us deconstruct the myth and reconstruct the spiritual truth. We must deconstruct and reconstruct the terminology of spirituality because spirituality is the ultimate reality. It can eliminate all unhappiness, and it is imperative for our well-being and peace.

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