Bacteria – Nature’s Gift To Us!

Bacteria – Nature’s Gift To Us!

The word bacteria generally conveys a negative connotation.

The word bacteria generally conveys a negative connotation. Yes, there are bad bacteria, but there are good bacteria too! And they have a lot to do with keeping us healthy.

Healthy soil contains a large percentage of good bacteria which produce many essential nutrients for the plants to grow, and in turn, provide nutrition to us. Bacteria are also the world’s greatest recyclers, as they break down dead and decaying matter. Imagine if they were not there – all dead things including trees, animals, birds, insects et al would not be decomposing and disappearing!

In the human body, friendly probiotic bacteria ensure our intestines function efficiently and also produce acids which curb the multiplication of bad bacteria. They also help in lowering cholesterol, beating belly fat, boosting the immune system, protecting the gut and preventing yeast infections.

However, good bacteria can be easily destroyed. It’s when the balance topples, with bad bacteria taking over, that we experience the signs of tiredness, chronic constipation, bloating and other digestive issues.

Even vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria! Today, due to our super-hygienic lifestyles, we have vitamin B12 deficiencies. It’s the pesticides and chemicals present in our fruits, vegetables and grains – not the bacteria – that are poisonous to us! So, the best solution would be to focus on strengthening our immune system with the right diet, rather than fighting the bad bacteria and destroying the good bacteria in the process.

6 ways to ensure you maintain a healthy gut microbiome

1. Avoid antibiotics

Take antibiotics only when necessary and under medical advice. Never self-medicate. Every sniffle or sneeze is not a serious bacterial infection.

2. Consume fermented foods

Fermented foods such as plant-based yoghurts, kimchi, miso and fermented vegetables and pickles are rich in naturally occurring probiotics.

3. Eat Organic

Harmful pesticides and chemicals are not used to grow organic food. By consuming organic produce, you will drastically reduce the amount of chemicals you unknowingly ingest.

4. Have plant-based foods which are whole

Whole foods are rich in fibre which serve as prebiotics (food) for the good bacteria and help them flourish in your body.

5. Avoid animal products

Since 80% of the antibiotics produced in the world are fed to animals in our food chain, by consuming animal products (whether dairy, meat, fish or poultry) you will be unwittingly consuming antibiotics which may kill the good bacteria in the gut. And of course animal products are also harmful because they have no fibre.

6. Be stress-free

Chronic stress can alter the composition and structure of your gut bacteria, throwing it out of balance.

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