Tirupati Municipal Corporation plans yoga training for municipal health workers

Municipal Corporation of Tirupati

Municipal Corporation of Tirupati 


  • Tirupati Municipal Corporation: Recently two workers died by consuming hand sanitiser instead of liquor
  • Many workers suffering from various health issues, hence commissioner decided to provide free yoga training to workers

Tirupati: Municipal Corporation of Tirupati (MCT) has planned a yoga training programme for municipal health workers in the city. In view of covid-19 risk civic body authorities decide to improve health workers immune capacity through practicing yoga daily. For this authorities are taking Chittoor District Yoga Association help to give yoga training to health workers in phased manner. In fact most of the health workers are illiterate or have only below 10th class qualification. And also maximum workers are middle age group as well as near to retirement age. In this situation yoga instructors have to teach yoga in easy methods in view of workers grasping capacity.

Therefore, authorities have planned to give training to them in the easiest method over pranayama and meditation practices, later yoga instructors will teach basic asanas for daily practice. In addition, the MCT Commissioner set up special counseling to health workers to adopt good habits.

It may be noted that recently two of the health workers died by consuming hand sanitiser, as well as many workers are suffering from various health issues like Sugar and other complaints and some of them turned as liquor addicts. To change these circumstances and protect the workers health, MCT commissioner arranged Doctors and psychologists to give the counseling to municipal workers who are discharging duties round the clock on city roads. Across the city in 50 divisions more than 800 permanent and contract health workers have been working for the last few years. Deputy Commissioner Chandramouleswar Reddy supervising this yoga training.

Commissioner PS Girisha said that in view of workers safety we arranged the special yoga training programme at free of cost to them. In addition, regular periodical health checkups were conducted by the corporation for their health protection.

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