SRM Hospital receives 10 oxygen concentrators from Taiwan university

SRMIST Director (International Relations) Kartar Singh presents 10 oxygen concentrators to SRM MCH&RC Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical & Health Sciences) Prof  Lt. Col. Dr A Ravikumar and Dean (Medical) Dr A Sundaram on behalf of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan

SRMIST Director (International Relations) Kartar Singh presents 10 oxygen concentrators to SRM MCH&RC Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical & Health Sciences) Prof Lt. Col. Dr A Ravikumar and Dean (Medical) Dr A Sundaram on behalf of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan


Kattankulathur : SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM MCH&RC) here has received 10 oxygen concentrators from National Tsing Hua...

Kattankulathur : SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM MCH&RC) here has received 10 oxygen concentrators from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan, as a sign of goodwill to help it battle Covid.

These 10 oxygen concentrators were sent as part of the 'Love from NTHU, Taiwan' campaign. The money was sourced from voluntary donations from the NTHU Alumni Association and the Centre for India Studies at NTHU.

SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST) is one of the strategic partners of NTHU, through which a dedicated Taiwan Education Centre has been established on campus, working to build the education and cultural partnership between the university and Taiwan higher education institutions.

On behalf of NTHU, SRMIST's director (International Relations) Kartar Singh presented these concentrators to SRM MCH&RC's Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical and Health Sciences) Prof Lt. Col. Dr. A. Ravikumar and dean (Medical) Dr A Sundaram.

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