Punetha named in the list of 50 great persons

Punetha named in the list of 50 great persons

Retired IAS officer Anil Chandra Punetha rendered invaluable services to the Srikakulam district as Collector, revenue officials of Srikakulam lauded his services on Sunday.

Srikakulam: Retired IAS officer Anil Chandra Punetha rendered invaluable services to the Srikakulam district as Collector, revenue officials of Srikakulam lauded his services on Sunday.

In a press release here, the officials expressed pleasure on inclusion of his name in the list of 50 great persons across the nation by the Uttarakhand based ‘Hill Mail’ magazine.

Punetha served as the Chief Secretary to the AP State government and also Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) under the Right to Information Act for Uttarakhand state.

He also served as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner. He deserves the honour provided by the ‘Hill Mail.’ lauded retired joint collector for Srikakulam, P Rajanikantha Rao, deputy collector, B Dayanidhi, INTACH Srikakulam representative KVJ Radha Prasad, revenue officials and representatives of various associations expressed the pleasure. Now Punetha is serving as AP State Vigilance Commissioner.

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