Huge funds allotted under NREGS

Huge funds allotted under NREGS

PD-DWMA B Sudhakar Rao (left) tallying records with ground level measurements for the works under MGNREGS(Photos:Chowdari Lakshmana Rao)


DWMA officials are busy in identifying and executing works under Palle Panduga

Srikakulam: Hug amount of funds were allocated under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to provide facilities in rural areas as part of ‘Palle Pandaga” across the district.

For the purpose, a total of Rs 300 crore funds were allocated for CC roads, side drains, cattle sheds, fish drying platforms, community and individual soak pits, mini-gokulams to cater to domestic animals.

District water resources management agency (DWMA) is the nodal agency for implementation and supervision of works under the NREGS at district level. The DWMA staff at district and mandal level have been identifying the required works in all villages in rural areas and some of the works have already started in several villages. For these works, besides wages of the workers, Rs 300 crore was allocated for the material component like cement, sand, bricks, roofs, iron poles.

Project director (PD) for DWMA, B Sudhakar Rao, is ratifying the identified works and also supervising ongoing works regularly to prevent anomalies. With completion of these works, the face of villages will be changed, DWMA-PD told The Hans India, adding that they are giving priority to backward villages in providing facilities.

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