Eco warriors call for a collective action to conserve environs

Eco warriors call for a collective action to conserve environs

  • World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5
  • Theme focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience
  • The slogan for WED highlights ‘Our land, Our future’
  • A bunch of outreach events aim at building awareness

Visakhapatnam : Even as extreme temperatures, humid weather conditions and natural disasters indicate the magnitude of irrevocable damage caused to the planet, environmentalists and teams from various organisations and institutions call for a concrete action to conserve environs before things turn from bad to worse.

As the United Nations calls for a collective action on the occasion of ‘World Environment Day’ (WED) celebrated on June 5, the day serves as a common platform for organisations to encourage people to be more participative in saving the environs, emphasising that the onus lies on each individual to bring in a behavioural change.

Environmentalists mention that transformation becomes apparent when people make planet-friendly choices in their day-to-day life and consider such measures as an integral part of their routine.

Sharing her contribution to the planet, CH Madhavi Latha, who works in a bank, says, “I stopped using single-use plastic supplies after seeing mounds of plastic covers stuffed with trash when GVMC sanitation workers went on strike for days. The piled up plastic covers turned into a feed for cows and street dogs. The scene stirred something in me. That’s when I decided to do my part for the planet by switching to biodegradable covers.”

Even as the onus of saving the planet is not confined to environmentalists and department heads and leaders, several organisations come together to deliver a strong message.

Visakhapatnam Port Authority launched weeklong activities, marking the WED. Covering various neighbourhoods, the port plans to organise plantation drives at various locations. Besides, painting, essay writing and quiz contests are lined up to build awareness among students.

Contributing generously to the green cover, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel (AMNS) India Limited, Vizag Asset, planted over 1 lakh saplings belonging to various species in different places across Visakhapatnam over a period of time.

The NGOs too played a key role in bringing awareness among students and encouraging them to be agents of change.

Continuing its outreach programmes, India Youth For Society (IYFS) in association with the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board is organising elocution and drawing contests on June 1 and 2, focusing on the theme ‘Our land and Our future.’

While the elocution competition will be held in Telugu and English from 10 am at IYFS office located at CBM compound on Saturday, the drawing contest will be organised on Sunday from 10 am onwards at Gandhi Centre, Dr. Lankapalli Bullayya College in the city.

With an aim to save the planet and its wellbeing, eco-warriors underline the need to consider a concrete action, advocating planet-friendly measures among communities.

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