AP Home Minister Mekatoti Sucharitha clarifies on excess electricity charges, says there is no truth in it

AP Home Minister Mekatoti Sucharitha clarifies on excess electricity charges, says there is no truth in it
AP Home Minister Makathoti Sucharitha

Andhra Pradesh Home Minister Makathoti Sucharitha said the current meter reading in power charges is being done according to the terms of the Power Corporation

Andhra Pradesh Home Minister Makathoti Sucharitha said the current meter reading in power charges is being done according to the terms of the Power Corporation. She also said that there is no chance of human error as it is entirely done with automatic machines. Speaking to media on Thursday over the controversy of charging excess power bills, she said that the government is retrieving the bills of April through a dynamic system and there could be no excess charges. She explained that the bills would be charged depending on the amount of electricity consumed.

Minister Sucharitha said that the people would benefit from the dynamic billing rather than the slab policy. She said the lockdown has increased power consumption and assured the public of paying the bill till June 30 without fine.

Earlier, the Home Minister met with the power department officials and discussed with the authorities about the controversy on the electricity bills. Officials briefed Home Minister Sucharitha about the current bills, and later Minister said that the Electricity Department is fully transparent in concerned to the bills.

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