All arrangements in place for counting exercise

District collector A Mallikarjuna examining the counting centre in Visakhapatnam

  • 997 staff will take up counting at AU Engineering college
  • 2,500 police personnel have been deployed in Visakhapatnam to make the process a hassle-free exercise

Visakhapatnam: District election officer and collector A Mallikarjuna instructed that the Election Commission rules and special orders must be followed in the counting of postal ballots.

Holding a training camp for the election staff here on Monday, he suggested that the officers and staff should be equipped to conduct the counting process in a smooth manner without any mistakes.

During the training, the collector explained about the methods and procedures to be followed after dividing the valid and invalid votes.

Process of dividing ballot votes, counting and preparing reports were also informed. In case of any doubt, the election staff was asked to clear them. They were advised to wear ID cards and not bring mobile phones, the Collector stated.

The counting of postal ballot votes would start at Andhra University Engineering College. The counting of EVM votes will begin after the completion of the counting process of the postal ballots.

The district election officer informed that separate counting centres have been set up for the counting of Assembly and Parliament votes.

A total of 997 people have been allotted for counting through randomisation, including counting supervisors, counting assistants and micro observers.

Police commissioner A Ravi Shankar appealed to the staff to reach the centre on time and cooperate with the police personnel. About 2,500 police were deployed in Visakhapatnam to make the counting process a hassle-free exercise.

As part of security measures, bandobast was arranged at the residences of over 40 political party candidates and their offices.

Postal ballot nodal officer, District Revenue Officer K. Mohan Kumar, AROs, Additional AROs, counting supervisors, assistants, micro-observers and other officers and staff participated in the training programme.

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