Agri dept expedites issuse of CCR cards

Agri dept expedites issuse of CCR cards

Rule of written agreement has become a hurdle for identification of tenants as landlords are reluctant to provide copies of required documents

Srikakulam: Agriculture department officials are issuing Crop Cultivator Right Cards (CCRC) to tenant farmers in the district at a brisk pace. In the wake of beginning of kharif season, CCR cards are is essential to farmers to get subsidy on seeds and fertilisers.

During kharif season, various crops including paddy are being cultivated in an extent of more than 5.50 lakh acres across the district. In the wake of migration, most of the lands are being cultivated by the tenant farmers.

During last year, CCR cards were issued to 7,816 tenant farmers in the district. This year, against the target of 9,450, so far 8,668 farmers were issued cards.

Before 2019 for issuing of CCRC Village level meetings were conducted and identified tenant farmers. In 2019 YSRCP government introduced and implemented Crop Cultivators Rights Act (CCRA).

According to this Act, written agreement between landlord and tenant farmer. Along with the agreement, Aadhar cards, both of landlord and tenant farmer, Pattadar Passbook, 1B RoR and Adangal/Pahani copies of the landlord should be enclosed. With this condition, most of the landowners are reluctant to enter into agreement with the tenant farmer and also not willing to enclose land documents.

Against this backdrop, most of the tenant farmers are cultivating lands with oral agreement, which makes it difficult to them to obtain cards.

“We are creating awareness among land owners on CCRC as these are only for cultivation and do not confer any right or title to the tenant over the land,” said joint director for agriculture K Sridhar.

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