TSRTC purchases diesel from Karnataka to save revenue
TSRTC purchases diesel from Karnataka to save revenue
Sangareddy: The TSRTC is looking at all alternative ways to save its revenue. In a recent development as such, the TSRTC has been buying diesel from Karnataka where the price of diesel is lower when compared to that of Telangana. It is to be noted here that the price of diesel in Karnataka is Rs 10 less per litre when compared with non-BJP ruled states. However, the news of TSRTC buying diesel from neighbouring came to light after a private tanker coming to Bidar from Narayankhed was caught by police at Manuru on Tuesday. Thinking that the diesel was being smuggled from Karnataka, the police stopped the truck and questioned the driver. The Narayankhed depot TSRTC field manager Dhanraj and other officials had gone to the police and narrated to them about purchasing diesel from Bidar. Later, the p9olice let go of the tanker.
According to the sources, the TSRTC stated that both Sangareddy and Zaheerabad RTC depots are also were planning to buy diesel from Bidar. It is to mention here that on Tuesday, the price of the in Bidar was Rs 95 per litre and it was Rs 105 per litre in Naryankhed. It is not clear on how many TSRTC depots are buying the diesel from Karnataka or other states in that matter. It is a known fact that the distance between Bidar to Narayankhed is 53.4 km whereas the distance between Bidar to Sangareddy is 87.6 km and Zaheerabad to Bidar is 31. Hence the RTC officials are relying on petrol bunks in Bidar. The TSRTC senior official had clarified that there was nothing illegal in purchasing diesel from other states. He added that currently the bulk purchasing prices are very high so the officials have begun purchasing from retail outlets.
By doing this the price difference between petrol in Telangana retail and Karnataka retail is nearly Rs 6, which makes up for a massive difference for bulk consumers like RTC.
He said that the RTC officials have been allowed by the top management to buy diesel from Karnataka for the buses that ply in neighbouring depots.
He clarified that the tanker caught by the police was just checked but was not seized.