The Hans India, a rare gem in the field of journalism

Update: 2021-09-08 02:14 IST

Yadagiri Shekhar Rao Director, Nandini and Valmiki Educational Institutions President, TRSMA, Telangana

Let me start with my bragging rights to appreciate your efforts in awakening society publishing blogs, articles, and news in The Hans India. I have been an ardent reader of the newspaper since its inception a decade ago.

I will always be grateful for the work of The Hans India. By work and by nature, I am a person who chop to the middle and need to hear all sides of a story.


I pride myself on considering the articles of The Hans India on various issues that come up from time to time with always a better point to be noted. Unless I am engaged in a tough round of scrabble, I think of myself as quite reasonable to mention the newspaper was a rare gem in the field of journalism. This illustrates the respect of The Hans India that shows to its readers and am pretty sure that this is not the case with all others in the field, whether it be local or national.

Being in the world of education, I would like to express our gratitude for your excellent coverage of educational news. The positive exposure, the newspaper gives on the local news segment, provides the community a nice introduction about the concept and will remember their responsibilities and services as a citizen of India.

My kudos to the entire staff on the professionalism with which your team handles the everyday news. Responses have dramatically increased and hope to maintain this upward momentum with quality and precision in future. I am indeed grateful to you for your willingness to include our Private School Managements Association (TRSMA) in your coverage. Please extend our thanks to everyone involved.

Daily newspapers provide a wealth of information and offer an informative, thoughtful, even entertaining way to find out what's going on in the world around you. For some people, a newspaper is the only reading they do as adults. The Hans India proved to be a family guide with topics interesting all members of the family.

Generally, the main sections in any news daily include international, national, state, and local or regional news. Key points of Who, What, When, Where, Why and How determines the commitment and editorialising the news story and The Hans India created the feel of real journalism.

Editorials or columns on problems faced by animals in zoo, roads and conditions, ongoing corona issues, educational columns that inspired many a section of the people in society, alerting news on upcoming disasters with accuracy in content are just a few that made me a diehard fan of THE HANS INDIA.

Yadagiri Shekhar Rao

Director, Nandini and Valmiki Educational Institutions

President, TRSMA, Telangana



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