Telangana Doctors, Both Seniors & Juniors Stage Protest, urge Govt to Meet their Long Pending Demands

Update: 2021-05-26 21:18 IST

1500 senior doctors staged dharna in front of their respective hospitals

More than 5000 junior doctors and nearing to 1500 senior doctors staged dharna in front of their respective hospitals asking the government to intervene and immediately approve their long pending demands.

Both junior as well as senior Doctors working in a governments hospital in a Telangana did not attend their duties, but boycotted work today, the reason being, Telangana government has failed to meet their demands, as promised earlier by the chief minister K. C. Chandrashekar Rao.


Above 6,000, senior and junior doctors who are working in state representing 15 government hospitals, including Osmania, Gandhi, MGMH Warangal and others today, they have boycotted their duties, they were demanding Telangana government to immediately fulfill their demand and failing which, they would continue to boycott from their work until their demands are not fully met.

Dr. P. Rahul President and Dr. Srikanth, Vice President, Telangana Junior Doctors Association (JUDA) speaking on this, they have stated they have submitted a memorandum to the superintendant of Osmania General Hospital, they are demanding around 15% hike in stipends for post graduates and interns which is due from the month of January 2020, which has to be released immediately.

For senior residents, they are seeking about a 15% hike, which has been pending for finance approval. Dr. Rahul has stated that, they have pursued for approval of the hike with official on a regular basis since last six months. "The 10% incentive, which has been announced for healthcare workers, has not been implemented till date" read the JUDA notice.

The other grievance, as cited by the association president, was that both, healthcare workers as well as their family members were unable to find a bed for treatment. " Nims hospital is always occupied and it Is having limited number of beds and we urge to bed capacity is increased and also issue a circular sating free treatment for healthcare workers and their family members" stated Dr. Rahul.

The letter also demands insurance for medical student up to post-graduate, as per the Government order -74. "The ex-gratia of 50 lakh for doctors as well as 25 lakh for nurses and for supporting staff, that was announced has been implemented yet. We would boycott the service if our demands are not met by May 25 2021," the letter read.

The Junior Doctors Association (JUDA) has also offered 2 weeks time for the government to meet their demands, which has not been met till date, hence the senior as well as the junior doctors boycotted their duties from today onwards and they have stated they will continue to boycott their duties till such time the Government considers their demand.



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