Telangana: Cabinet to focus on revenue generation

Update: 2021-06-07 22:57 IST

 Cabinet to focus on revenue generation

Hyderabad: How to streamline the State's economy and put it back on track? This is going to be the main agenda at the cabinet meeting to be held on Tuesday. Based on the reports, various revenue earning departments have submitted to the government, the cabinet is likely to come out with an action plan for revival of the state's economy.

In all probability, the government may decide to announce further relaxation and do away with lockdown during the daytime. But may continue with night curfew from 6 pm onwards. However, big social gatherings, function halls, cinema theatres, religious places, etc would not be permitted to function for till the situation comes under total control.


Officials said that the Tourism, Hospitality, and food serving sectors were one of the main revenue-generating sources. During the lockdown period, these sectors were among those which were badly hit.

The government wants to give a big push to these sectors which not only generate revenue but also provide direct and indirect employment to lakhs of people. To encourage trading activity, the government is planning to permit round-the-clock transportation of goods both from within the state and from outside. Currently, restrictions on goods transportation were in force except for the essential commodities. Officials said that the manufacturing and service sectors would be permitted to open the business activity. However, Covid safety measures and restrictions on people's movements will remain in force. 



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