Teachers' union stages protest against contributory pension scheme

Update: 2019-09-02 01:38 IST
Members of PRTU staging a protest in Narayanpet on Sunday

Narayanpet: Progressive Recognised Teachers' Union (PRTU) members on Sunday staged a protest in front of Municipal Park to highlight the "failure on the part of the government" to resolve the problem being faced by teachers in in Narayanpet district.

They threatened to intensify agitation if their grievances were not redressed. While speaking on the occasion, the PRTU leaders said the State government, despite their repeated representations and requests, turned a deaf ear to their grievances for the past six months.


"Our main demand is to abolish the contributory pension scheme and reintroduce the old pension scheme. The TRS government during the elections promised to look into the issue and abolish the CPS, but till today not a single step in this regard was taken.

Before elections they came with tall promises of reforming the education system, improving the facilities in schools and colleges and resolve all the issues relating to the teachers. However, after coming to power they forgot everything. We have now decided to sit on a hunger strike to achieve our demands," said the protesting teacher's union leaders. The PRTU member also said that many teachers who are working as Vidya Volunteers are also not being paid regular salaries. 



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