Taping case should be handed over to CBI

Update: 2024-05-28 21:18 IST

Gadwal : Lok Satta Party State President Tummanapalli Srinivas has demanded that an impartial investigation should be conducted and the culprits should be handed over to the CBI for a comprehensive investigation.

He expressed his concern that a comprehensive investigation should be conducted on the allegations of the role of some elders and former ministers who worked in the previous government. Investigation into phone tapping allegations, insisting that the matter be handed over to the CBI for a thorough probe.


He expressed concern over the potential involvement of elders and former ministers from the previous government, stressing that the revelations in the confessional statements of the accused are alarming and undermine democratic principles in the state. Tummanapalli expressed his concern that the facts revealed in the confessional statement of the accused are disturbing the advocates of democracy in the state.



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