Remembering Gaddar: The People's Poet and Revolutionary Leader

Update: 2024-08-06 19:48 IST

Gadwal: In India, Gaddar, the people's poet and revolutionary leader, paved the way for public artists and folk dramas on a grand scale. He voiced the struggles of farmers and workers, presenting their issues to the government and proposing solutions. Gaddar stood against the dominant upper-caste capitalist ruling system, advocating for the rights of the common people.


Gaddar was instrumental in highlighting the hardships faced by ordinary citizens, farmers, laborers, and women, demanding accountability from the authorities and urging solutions. He reminded the rulers of their responsibilities and warned them that if issues were not addressed, the people would resort to continuous struggles.

Gaddar was deeply committed to the revolutionary cause of democratic and Bahujan (majority) empowerment. Let us remember this people's singer, Gaddar, once again. Let's protect folk arts, honor the stories and songs of ordinary people, and celebrate Gaddar's legacy on his death anniversary. Let's safeguard the agricultural sector and commemorate the struggles of farmers through Gaddar's songs.

It is crucial to educate future generations about the contributions of leaders like Gaddar, who fought for the rights of the people and worked towards the success of the people's struggle and Bahujan revolution.

In this commemorative event, various individuals and organizations participated, including Bahujan Rajya Samiti, Valmiki, K. Vinod Kumar, Nagar Doddi Venkat Ramulu, Madhusudan Babu, R. Mohan Sir, Lakshmi Narayana Danayya, Shiva, Damodar Rajesh, Sisa Venkat Reddy Automak Bul, Rehmatulla Kuruv Pullayya, Kolla Hussain, lawyer Damodar Prem Kumar, MRPS Anjaneyulu, Naganna, Chinnayya, Pratap Teacher, Giri Prasad, and Rajesh.



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