Police martyrs remembered on police commemoration day

Update: 2023-10-21 20:42 IST

Asifabad: The sacrifices of policemen in the line of duty were marked with solemnity at the Police Commemoration Day held at police headquarters in Asifabad on Saturday.

Speaking on this occasion, the SP K Suresh Kumar stated that the services of police martyrs are memorable. In Sirpur Kagaz Nagar, Asifabad area since 1995, 14 policemen have sacrificed their lives for the sake of peace and security for the society, and we need to remember all their services and remember their sacrifices.


He said that if the society is peaceful without any problems, it is because of the police.

Apart from festivals and holidays, it is said that the police department is concerned about the well-being of the society.

He said that due to the sacrifice of lives in the performance of duty, all the sections of the society are living in peace today and the friendly police system will continue keeping in mind the spirit of the Telangana movement.

He said that it is the responsibility of the police to ensure that people are not afraid to come to the police station to report their problems. It is said that the police are working hard to ensure that all the people remain calm without any trouble or fear, he said.




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