Only a few nominated posts to be replaced; leaders growing restive

Update: 2024-06-11 10:00 IST

Hyderabad: A few allotted nominated posts are about to be replaced with others, following pressure from Ministers who were allegedly not consulted before the decision was taken. The GOs for the 37 posts that were declared prior to the Lok Sabha elections are further delayed, making the leaders anxious who are waiting to take charge.

According to party sources, the Ministers who were not happy with the list of allocations for these 37 corporations, federations, and authorities just before the Model Code of Conduct came into force for Lok Sabha polls, have expressed dissatisfaction, prompting the orders to be withheld till now. Scores of Ministers including   , were not happy with the proceedings, citing undermining their authority and failure to consult before naming the individuals for the key posts. While most have already come up with their choices, IT and Legislative Affairs Minister Sridhar Babu is yet to give a nod to the freshly prepared list of nominees.


“Once he returns from the US, the GOs are likely to be passed. He may arrive on Wednesday, and for the entire proceedings to clear, it may take five to six days. Those who are finalised may only take charge next week,” said a senior leader. Meanwhile, those who are already sure of getting through are keeping themselves low, while others remain anxious about the decision the party will arrive at. Both avoided speaking to the media about the issue and what was for them in the offer.

“I believe it will only be a handful of names, but the Ministers involvement and their keenness have pushed most into anxiety,” felt one of the corporation's chairman, eager to take charge. Five leaders had already assumed office before the MCC came into force. The ruling Congress party is weighing options, if some more names can be added to the list of 37. It is expected that the new list of nominated posts may have over a dozen new names for other positions.



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