No money, No survey says government Surveyors. Farmers suffered sever land litigations.

Update: 2024-04-01 21:21 IST

The basic duties of a government surveyor is to 1.maintain the land maps and records in mandal level included Conducting land surveys to determine boundaries, dimensions, and locations of land parcels.

2.Creating maps and charts based on the survey data.

3.Providing expertise advice on land use planning and development projects.

4.Conducting topographic Surveys


to measure and map land elevations contours and natural features .

5.Assisting in the preparation of leagal documents related to land owner ship and property rights.

6.Collaborating with engeneers, architects, and other professionals on infra structure and construction projects.

7.Ensuring compliance with local, state, fedaral regulations related to surveying and land use.

8.Utilizing surveying equipment such as total station, GPS systems, to gather accurate data.

9.Investigating property disputes and providing expert testimony in leagal proceedings when necessary.

10 . Conducting reasearch and analysis to support land management and environmental conservation initiatives.

These are the main duties of Government Surveyors.

Most of the government surveyors intentionally are neglecting their duties in Gadwal district. If the farmers refuses to money as they asked for.

There is big mafia of land grabbing in the distric which play the games with lives of the district farmers.

There are hundreds of files pending with the MRO people for years long by the negligence of Surveyors who always demand for bribe from the innocent poor farmers. Thus the poor farmers are boasted by the middle men who try to encash the situations .

Many farmers are wandering around the surveyors for their land litigations.

Five hesitated women farmers were tried to commit suicide in the presence of Ieeja Tashildar recently. Hence the farmers urged the district Collector BM Santhosh to take appropriate actions against the officials, and the middle men who are directly or indirectly seeking bribe from the poor farmers.



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