Land mafia targets Mrugavani National Deer park

Update: 2020-08-30 00:04 IST

Land mafia targets Mrugavani National Deer park 

Ranga Reddy: The alleged land scam worth crore has been reported in the districts Chilkur forest zone, claiming that a total of 715 acers of forest land belongs to private party. 715 acres land was encroached by private party by fabricating, tampering the documents and including the government officials names in the forged documents. The forged documents also claim that Mrugavani National Deer Park belongs to the private party. The scam was lime lighted when businessman and other parties came forward showing interest in buying the land and started investigating about the survey numbers of land in the government office. The officers declared that the documents were forged with fake GO number (P3/135/2020) which belongs to Yadadri district and survey numbers including deer park in land scam.


The private parties who created forged documents claim to be heirs of Nizam rulers. A total of 15,964 acers of Nizam land was handed over to government which also includes 1,425 acers of forest land in Moinabad when Nizam rule came to end in the State. All these lands were Gazetted by Hyderabad Collector on 28 February 1956 which caused some private parties claiming that all the lands belongs to them by creating fake documents.

A sub register was suspended for illegally registering 250 acers land to private party few years ago.

The forged documents state that the private parties are heirs of Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan and the 715 acers land were given to his son Imadad Jahobahadur as gift in 1952. These documents were also forged by including CCLA Somesh Kumar and Supplementary Sethwari. The fake documents also state that all the permissions were granted by CCLA and asked forest department not involve.



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