I voted at last!

Update: 2019-04-12 00:36 IST
I voted at last!

Sainikpuri: For many citizens, who could not locate their voter slip, downloading the both details and finding out the serial number helped. In this election, thanks to the awareness campaigns by the Election Commission on carrying any one of the eleven documents came handy.

Beyniaz Edulji, a resident of Sainikpuri said, "I voted first thing in the morning since I was on the voters' list this time around. Could not locate my voter's slip despite three trips to the office. Downloaded my booth details and serial number and showed it to the booth in charge along with my voter Id.


Surely my one vote may not make a difference to the result but I feel that if we do not vote we are not entitled to complain about the government." She added, "I am happy that I could vote as I could not in the assembly elections as my vote was missing."

Similarly, Dr Naveen, another resident of Sainikpuri whose voter slip was missing downloaded the booth details and was able to vote at HMT Bearings Colony booth. Suraj, a retired Praga Tools employee said, "The key is to trace the booth and serial number. The photo voter slip distributed by the BLOs is only for indicative purpose to know your polling station."   



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