Hyderabad: Stop false promises neta log, Saroonagar residents warn

Update: 2023-05-15 07:40 IST

Hyderabad : The Damocles sword called floods continues to hang over the head of residents of Saroornagar and its surrounding colonies as the monsoon is just over a month away from now.

“It has become a routine for us to face the problem of floods during monsoon and it has become a routine for GHMC officials and political leaders to visit us show lip sympathy and do nothing,” the residents say. Neither the GHMC nor the corporator or the MLA show any interest in taking up permanent measures to solve the problem. Though they had taken up some small small works even that has not been completed.


For last one year laying of underground drainage and desilting works were proposed but there has not been any progress. The colonies that suffer most during monsoon are Sharadanagar, Sthala Basti, Venkateshwara Colony, Tirumala Colony, Kodandaramnagar and P&T Colony.

Taking to Hans India, people alleged that for a decade the leaders from corporator to MP have been assuring us of permanent works and provide relief to the people during monsoon. But all that never got converted into action, the residents rue.

The Strategic Nala Development Plan (SNDP) works have been sanctioned but proceeding very slowly. Whenever there is heavy rain, all the shops are kept closed because the roads get inundated, vehicles are submerged and there is property loss,” said T Sai Kumar, social activist.

Residents of P&T Colony complained that there was no proper inflow and outflow channels for water to drain out. Even last week with little rain the nala got filled and water overflowed on to the streets and lanes. “Why no official or politician takes up this major problem seriously is something we fail to understand,” the residents add. Jaago GHMC, Jaago Neta Log.



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