Hyderabad: APCR to expand free services beyond the city

Update: 2020-03-10 04:26 IST

Charminar: Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), which is engaged in providing free legal aid & support to poor and underprivileged of the society and provides family counselling through ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) methods in family & matrimonial dispute, has decided to expand its services beyond the city.

It believes that since mediation is one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution methods, under the provisions of Section 89 of Civil Procedure Code, the parties can settle their cases arriving at compromise with the aid of mediators.


The role of mediators is to guide and assist the parties to explore the possibilities of settlement and to know about the pros and cons of the litigation or settlement. "We have setup 5 legal care & support centers in the city.

In collaboration with Telangana Metropolitan Legal Services Authority, we have trained more than 300 para legal volunteers. Visited prison for extending legal aid for under-trial prisoners and visited government observation homes to extend legal aid to the inmates. Organised various programmes in collaboration with different NGOs namely Awaaz, Insaaf, Human Rights Forum (HRF), Forum for a better Hyderabad, Sunni Ulema Board, SC, ST, BC, Muslim front and others," informed Mohd Mujahid, city coordinator, APCR.

In this endeavour, the association started a 4-day ADR training and certificate programme on 'family counselling' on Sunday, where a diverse set of speakers were selected for this training programme from Judges, Senior Advocates and Counsellors, he added.

Petty issues trigger discord in marriages: Justice Chandra Kumar

During the inaugural session on Sunday, Justice B Chandra Kumar spoke about importance of successful marriage life, legal services, serving the society. He also explained as to how small issues would create discord between couples leading to marital issues and unsuccessful marriage.

Nagalaxmi, a research scholar (Law college, OU), Advocate Trigunathma, Senior Council Legal Services Authority, Mounika, another research scholar and faculty of Pendekanti Law College (Hyderabad) and advocate Syed Lateef spoke about, constitution of India, fundamental rights, importance of ADR, legal services authority and Hindu Marriage Act, divorce, maintenance and guardian ship law. 



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