Hospital negligence causes death of pregnant woman's

Update: 2024-06-02 17:35 IST

Nagar Kurnool: An atrocity took place in Nagar Kurnool district. A seven-month pregnant woman who came with pelvic pain was given an injection. After that, the incident where the pregnant woman died after mistaking the needle medicine took place at Priyanka Hospital in Nagar Kurnool district center on Sunday.

According to the details of the victim, Mahender and Padma (36) of Tadur mandal center have a daughter. But Padma came to Priyanka Hospital in Nagar Kurnool district center for treatment at 7 am on Sunday morning as she was having pains since she was 7 months pregnant for the second time. As there was no doctor in the hospital, the nurses working in it scanned and gave needles.


After a while, the hospital staff noticed that the condition worsened and told the victims to take them to the government district hospital. Meanwhile, the pregnant woman died. Because of this, the relatives of the pregnant woman died due to the negligence of the hospital staff, and started dharna in front of the hospital. The relatives of the victim demanded that action should be taken against the hospital which caused the death. The police came and took the protestors to the police station.

There are allegations that had many complaints about the behavior of the priyanka hospital staff in the past. Many victims said that there were incidents where the hospital staff assaulted the victims when the victims questioned them when the hospital staff acted negligently. They still want to take strict action against the hospital.



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