Heatwave alert: Public urged to stay indoors

Update: 2025-03-04 07:58 IST

District Collector Viziyendira Boyi during a meeting with officials

Mahabubnagar: Even while the Summer is yet to start, the soaring temperature has become a cause of big concern for the people of Mahabubangar during the past few days ever since the beginning of March. With temperatures recording between 31 to 36 degrees during peak hours across all the mandals of Palamuru region, Mahabubnagar District Collector Viziyendira Boyi has issued a stern warning, urging widespread public awareness on heatstroke prevention.

On Monday, during a crucial district-level task force committee meeting held at the Collector’s office, she emphasized the urgent need to disseminate information on safeguarding against the potentially fatal effects of extreme heat.

“The severe heatwave poses a significant risk of heatstroke to the people; therefore, it is imperative that we launch extensive awareness campaigns on preventive measures,” said the Collector while advising the district health authorities to create more awareness on the rising temperatures and the dangers caused to the public health due to heat stroke.

The Collector stressed the importance of adhering to medical advice, advocating for staying indoors during peak sun hours. She recommended that those compelled to venture out wear hats, ensure adequate hydration, and regularly consume cooling beverages such as ORS solutions, lemon juice, buttermilk, and fruit juices. Furthermore, she advised wearing light, loose, and light-colored clothing, and using head coverings like hats or towels to shield from direct sunlight.

“It is best to remain indoors during the hottest parts of the day, and schedule outdoor activities for the cooler mornings and evenings,” she advised.

Addressing rural employment guarantee workers, the Collector directed rural development officials to implement special measures, including providing ORS solutions, drinking water, and tent facilities to protect them from heat-related illnesses. Similarly, she instructed ICDS and other department personnel working outdoors to take necessary precautions.

“Anyone experiencing symptoms of heatstroke should immediately seek medical attention at the nearest primary health center,” she emphasized.


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