Get ready for Parliament elections...State Chief Election officer Lokesh Kumar

Update: 2023-12-06 18:46 IST

The State Chief Election officer Lokesh Kumar has held a meeting on video call with the district Collectors today in the morning.

On this occasion the Chief of State Election Commission stated that all the district Collectors should be prepared for the parliament elections which will be shortly announced.He also congratulated the district Collector of various districts for their efforts of success fully conducting the Assembly elections.


He also enquire about the availability of VV pats, EVMs and the requirement of additional equipment. The additional collector Cheerla Srinivas Sagar was asked for the details of Election management certificate and C category material,reconciliation report ,FLC first level checking for the upcoming elections.He has been asked to provide the details of remaining EVMs,and VV pats in the district.

He said that the technical team and C section Official will soon provide the details asked by the state election commission.He directed all the staff should be get ready to conduct the upcoming parliament elections in the same manner as the assembly elections were conducted.

Chaitanya,Bharath and others were participated in the meeting held in the morning at Gadwal IDOC .



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