DM HO conduct an awareness programme for Anganwadi teachers on round warms

Update: 2024-06-12 19:12 IST

Gadwal: The DM HO officials have conducted an awareness programme on round warms, In the old district medical and health department office, medical staff members K. Madhusudan Reddy, P. Narendra Babu, and T. Varalakshmi informed the teachers of Gadwal Urban Anganwadi about the national deworming program.

The nationwide deworming program, scheduled for June 20, 2024, is being conducted in every Anganwadi center, government and private schools, and government and private junior colleges.


- For children aged 1-2 years, 1/2 tablet of Albendazole should be sprinkled and mixed with water.

- For children aged 2-19 years, one tablet of Albendazole should be chewed and swallowed.

Here are the instructions to instruct the students regarding the national deworming program:

- Students should take Albendazole tablets after their mid-day meal as prescribed.

- If a student misses taking the Albendazole tablet due to unavoidable reasons, a Mop-Up round will be conducted on June 27, 2024, for the remaining students.

- Roundworm infections in children are commonly caused by factors such as eating food without washing hands, playing outdoors with sticks, open defecation, unhygienic environments, and contamination of water and food.

It's crucial to raise awareness about these factors to prevent worm infections among children.

That's excellent advice from the Anganwadi teachers and health department staff. Here's a summary of their key points:

1. *Hand Hygiene:* Encourage students to wash their hands with clean soap regularly, especially before eating and after using the toilet.

2. *Food Hygiene:* Emphasize the importance of washing fruits and vegetables with clean water, keeping lids on food containers to prevent contamination, and always drinking clean water.

3. *Environmental Cleanliness:* Teach students the importance of keeping their surroundings clean to reduce the risk of worm infections and other diseases.

The urban Health Centers, Anganwadi teachers, medical staff supervisors, community officers, Hanumanthu nurses, and others are actively participating in creating awareness about these crucial hygiene practices.



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