32 GCs of TES-42 course passed out from CTW, MCEME

Update: 2023-11-07 09:16 IST
32 GCs of TES-42 course passed out from CTW, MCEME
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Hyderabad: Thirty-two young and determined Gentlemen Cadets (GCs) of the Technical Entry Scheme-42 (TES-42) course passed out from the portals of Cadets Training Wing (CTW), Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (MCEME) after completing three years of tough and arduous technical and military training.

The award distribution ceremony of the Passing Out Course (POC) (TES-42) was conducted with full military decorum at the MCEME Auditorium, Secunderabad, on Monday. Lieutenant General JS Sidana, Commandant, MCEME and Colonel Commandant Corps of EME was the chief guest for the event.


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