WhatsApp Update: WhatsApp Testing Passkeys Feature for iPhone Users

Update: 2024-03-04 15:53 IST

WhatsApp is undergoing testing for a new privacy feature known as passkeys aimed at iOS users, designed to enhance account verification security and ease of use. This move underscores WhatsApp's commitment to bolstering user privacy and experience.

The passkeys feature, currently being tested in a beta version for iPhone users, offers an additional layer of security while simplifying the account verification process. With this feature, users can opt for a passkey instead of the traditional 6-digit code, making login more secure and user-friendly.


Once enabled, the passkey is securely stored in iCloud Keychain, allowing users to authenticate using their device passcode or biometric authentication methods. This flexibility ensures a smoother login experience while maintaining robust security measures.

While the passkey feature is optional, its implementation aligns with modern authentication practices, enhancing both security and convenience for users. By providing alternative authentication methods, WhatsApp aims to cater to individual preferences and improve the overall user experience.

The passkey feature is currently available to select beta testers via the TestFlight app and is expected to roll out to more users in the coming weeks. Users encountering setup issues are encouraged to await the next update, which may address any issues encountered during configuration. 



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