Things you need to know about VPS hosting servers

Update: 2019-12-09 17:34 IST

VPS stands for virtual private server and this type of server is considered to be the most popular hosting server that you can look up for your website or online business. The VPS works on the technology of virtualization to give you with dedicated (private) resources on a server that has multiple users. The Virtual Private Server is a more stable and secures solution when compared with the shared hosting. In the shared hosting services, you will not be getting a dedicated server space, but it is one of the cheapest ways of getting a server for your website. The VPS hosting is selected by the website owners who are getting medium level traffic and exceeds the limits given by the shared hosting plans, and at the same time it does not need the services of a dedicated server. The virtual private server has more than one hosting plans and there are certain hosting providers that have six VPS plans that suit different kinds of business needs. It also helps in scaling your site whenever you need more resources.


How does a VPS hosting work?

If you are new to server and hosting technologies, then you should first have an idea about what a server is. A server is actually a computer on which your web hosting provider stores the files and databases that are required for your website. When somebody visits to visit your website, the browser will be sending a request to your server and after that it transfers the necessary files through the internet. The Virtual Private Server hosting gives you a virtual server which will be simulating a physical server. But the real fact is that the machine is actually being shared among several users.

The virtualization technology is being used by your hosting provider and by doing this; they install a virtual layer on top of the server's operating system (OS). This layer will be dividing the server into different partitions and provides access to each users to install their own software and OS.

So, VPS hosting services is having the dual nature of being both virtual and private and this is mainly because we have complete control over the same. The VPS is separated from the other server users in the operating system level. The Virtual private server technology is very much similar to creating partitions on your PC when you need to run more than one operating systems without rebooting. Having a VPS also allows you to set up your website within a secure container that has various guaranteed resources such as disk space, memory, CPU cores and more. And overall, you need not have to share these resources with any other users. With the VPS server technology, you will be having the same root level access and you will get the feel of a rented dedicated server, but at a lower price.

VPS Vs other web hosting types

There are various types of web hosting services that help you to perform various levels of customization on your server. The price may vary and also other factors such as performance, uptime and more. Here let us have a small comparison of VPS hosting with other hosting solutions.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is one of the best options for website owners who have low traffic on their websites and it is considered as the starting point of the majority of the bloggers and small scale businesses. Shared hosting will split the same physical server with various clients of the hosting company and you will not be having any kind of dedicated resources that are allocated for you and you site will be running on the same operating system that is being used by others.

Cloud Hosting

When you go for cloud hosting, you will not be using a single server, but instead, you will be using a cluster that runs in the cloud. Each server in the cluster is capable of storing and up-to-date copy of your website. Whenever any of the servers are too busy, the cluster will be automatically redirecting the traffic to a server that is less busy. Hence there will not be any kind of downtime in cloud hosting and there will always be a server in the cluster that is capable of serving the requests of your website traffic.

Dedicated Hosting

When you use dedicated hosting, you will be in fact renting an entire physical server for your business needs and your high traffic website. The dedicated hosting is one of the best solutions for websites have high volume of traffic. The dedicated servers are fast, fully customizable and also flexible. The price is on the higher end, but it is worth the money if you are having small or medium website.



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