How to deep clean children’s bedroom: Joanne Kang, Lead Research Scientist in Microbiology - Dyson

Update: 2023-07-10 12:45 IST

Withthe children spending more time at home, it's crucialto ensure that their living space is clean and healthy. Every parent willrecognise the feeling of trepidation after a long day of entertaining thechildren. Now that the fun is over, the inevitability of cleaning up isunavoidable. Often the easiest solution is to spend a frantic ten minutesrestoring order, but sometimes a more thorough clean is required to helpmaintain a healthy home.


JoanneKang, Lead Research Scientist in Microbiology, Dyson, shares essential anduseful tips with The Hans India on how to deep clean children's bedrooms.

Declutterand organise

Before cleaning begins,look around the room to see if anything is out of place and consider howyour child’s items are stored. Could this be improved with storage solutions?

Organizing yourchild's bedroom can be a fun and rewarding experience for you and your child.The key is to approach it with a positive attitude and a willingness to let goof items that no longer serve a purpose. One of the best tips I can give is toinvolve your child in the process. Ask them what items they want to keep,donate, or throw away, and encourage them to make decisions based on whatbrings them joy. This helps them learn the value of their possessions andfosters a sense of responsibility and ownership over their space.

Deep cleaning your child's bedroom is crucial

Clean the bed

While bedding canlook clean, mattresses can often be a hotbed of microscopic life, which canimpact your child’s well-being while they sleep. Dust mites and theirfaeces, bacteria, viruses, pollen and other allergens make up the complexmatrix of household dust, which also exists in your mattress. By cleaning mattresses every sixmonths or so, you can reduce the levels of dust, microscopic life and allergenswithin them.

· Removeand wash bedding on a 60°C or 90°C wash, which will help reduce allergens.

· Forthe mattress, use vacuum boost mode to remove dust mites and skinflakes.

· Underthe bed, a Low-reach attachment will help access those hard-to-reach places –where dust tends to gather and mites thrive.

Vacuum the floor

Depending on yourtype of flooring, the approach will differ. For hard floors, start by vacuumingthe whole surface – using the right accessories to get into cracks and creviceswhere dust accumulates. Once the floor is clear, use child-friendly disinfectantsoap and water to remove stubborn stains and residual materials.

For carpeted rooms, follow these tipsto ensure you are vacuuming in the correct way:

· Vacuumslowly. This agitates dust and dirt within the carpet fibres and increasesthe likelihood of their removal.

· Focuson one spot (but not too much). Repeated attention on a single area yieldsresults, but more than three times provides minimal increase.

· Usethe right tools. It takes a degree of effort, but it’s worth it. Astubborn dirt brush will remove those enduring remnants of muddy footwear.

· Don’tneglect the hidden places. Concealed carpeted areas are ideal breedinggrounds for dust mites and where allergens can get trapped, so occasionallymoving larger furniture is advised.

Refreshthe curtains and blinds

It’s surprising todiscover how much dust can gather on curtains and blinds. Depending on thematerial, removing and washing curtains can help to reduce allergens. You mayuse a vacuum cleaner on curtains and blinds to remove excess dust and allergens –all in all, leaving children's bedrooms cleaner.

Some other areas tokeep in mind while cleaning:

· Vacuumthe soft toys as dust mites and skin flakes can reside on them

· Cleanand vacuum the drawers and wardrobes as some allergens may hide there, includingdust mites and pet allergens

· Donot forget to vacuum the play mats

By following thesetips and taking the time to deep clean your child's bedroom, you'll create ahealthier living environment and set a good example for your children on theimportance of cleanliness and organization.



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