Dream Ticket deliver happiness in form of gold jewellery to low-income groups

Update: 2023-08-16 14:24 IST

Dream Ticket

Dream Ticket is a startup company that has developed a unique online, subscription-based group-buying business model designed to make the purchase of gold and diamond jewellery more accessible to low-income groups.

Mr Rajiv Kumar, Founder of Dream Ticket and Mr Vinay Saini, Co-founder of Dream Ticket, came up with a concept that involves forming a group of 10 to 15 subscribers who subscribe for a fixed number of months by paying a fixed monthly subscription through an Android App on their mobile phones (hence, no need to visit any store). Each month a new customer name is pulled out through their custom software, and that person can buy gold/diamond jewellery of their choice for the total amount they will pay until the end of their subscription tenure.


Mr Rajiv Kumar, Founder of Dream Ticket and Mr Vinay Saini, Co-founder of Dream Ticket

The inception of Dream Ticket

Mr Rajiv Kumars shares, "As I come from a humble background, I had the desire to gift my wife a diamond ring on her first birthday after our wedding. However, with only Rs 10,000 in hand and a ring costing over Rs 55,000, I struggled to find a feasible option despite exploring various jewellery shops. Most stores had sales promotions and discounts, but they asked for full payment upfront. As my wife's birthday was only five months away, taking a loan with high-interest rates or processing fees was my only option but not feasible. Unfortunately, I could not fulfil my wish and missed a precious moment in our life. This emotional conflict lasted for years. This incident kept haunting me. And I thought there must be many husbands/fathers like me who want to give gifts to their wives/daughters but couldn't due to financial crunch." After surveying 1500 people from low-income groups, he discovered that 645 had also experienced similar unfulfilled wishes. With over 400 million people in India living in this social segment, he felt compelled to solve this unseen societal problem and, hence, came up with Dream Ticket.

Dream Ticket's journey

We started Dream Ticket's operation in June 2018, intending to deliver happiness in the form of gold/diamond jewellery to daughters and wives of the low-income group. Till now, we have invested Rs 82 lakh and have 4500+ happy customers associated with us through their Mobile Apps. We currently have five physical offices in Delhi – in Bawana, Holambi, Shahabad Diary & Sultanpuri and are planning to raise funds for expansion across India. The company's last three year's revenue was Rs 1.35 crores (FY 2022-23), Rs 74 lac (FY 2021-22) and Rs 55 lac (FY 2020-21).

How to get Dream Ticket products?

We form a group of 10 to 15 subscribers who can subscribe for a fixed number of months by paying a fixed monthly subscription through an Android App on their mobile phones (hence, no need to visit any store). Each month a new name of a customer is pulled out through our custom software, and that person can buy gold/diamond customized jewellery of their choice for the total amount they would pay until the end of their subscription tenure. We have a third-party agreement with jewellery manufacturers to manufacture the design per our customers' preferences. Our internal team takes care of logistics & smooth delivery to our customers. Our strategies are simple - it works like a cockroach model to spread in the market. We target house-wife to bring customers (word of mouth) & our retention ratio is up to 60%.

USP of Dream Ticket product

Dream Ticket significantly enhances the purchasing power of its subscribers, multiplying it by 10-15 times. With a BIS hallmark license, we ensure to exclusively deliver hallmark jewellery to our customers. By providing a seamless buying experience, we eliminate the need for subscribers to worry about promotional sales, discounts, or buy-back offers. Subscribers can confidently make their purchases with 10% cash in hand, not 100% cash, without any concerns, enjoying Dream Ticket's convenience and peace of mind. We offer 100% customized jewellery to our customers, which they choose within their budget. We have a third-party agreement with jewellery manufacturers to manufacture the design per our customers' preferences. Our internal team takes care of logistics & delivery to our customers.

What sets apart Dream Ticket

Dream Ticket is a one-of-its-kind business model which enables customers to amplify their purchasing power by 10-15 times through a group subscription model. Unlike traditional approaches followed by other jewellers that emphasize 100% cash payment, Dream Ticket disrupts the market with a credible and transparent business model that prioritizes the ease of buying for low-income individuals. Jewellers may adhere to a cash-only approach. However, Dream Ticket's innovative solution empowers people to purchase according to their desires and preferences.

Purity and credibility Dream Ticket Gold/Diamond Jewellery

We offer 100% customized jewellery to our customers, which they choose within their budget. We have a third-party agreement with jewellery manufacturers to manufacture the design as per our customers' preferences. We provide a BIS hallmark license to each jewellery (product) given to our customers.

Future Plans of Dream Ticket

We plan to expand our operations pan India, but our current focus is to expand in Delhi-NCR by opening a maximum number of 30 offline stores. Also, we are looking to raise funds for Dream Ticket expansion for the Tier 2 cities of India. We have five physical offices in Delhi - in Bawana, Holambi, Shahabad Diary & Sultanpuri.



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