Apple Company Joins Hands With Google For The Covid-19 Tracing Application

Update: 2020-04-13 21:12 IST
Covid-19 Tracing Application (For representational purpose)

To rule out the deadly Corona from the world, all the tech companies are erasing the gap and competition between them. These companies are coming together and are lending their hands in fighting against COVID-19.

This made the two big giants Apple and Google to join hands to build a software solution which helps in tracing the contacts of Corona positive patients.


Apple company has also mentioned a few features of this application on its official blog. This application will work based on Bluetooth technology. Made with robust API software, this tracing application will send signals to your mobile if any Corona positive case person is nearby you.

For instance, you are near a bus stop and a Corona positive person is nearby you, then your mobile will receive the signals making you alerted. And if in case you get touch with that person, you can immediately approach the hospital for testing purpose.

Secondly, in coming months, these companies are working to bring out a broader Bluetooth based contract tracing platform which will help to trace and tracking the positive persons by building functionality into the underlying platforms.



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