A new approach to Data Security for the New Year - Filip Cotfas, Channel Manager, CoSoSys

Update: 2023-02-09 11:44 IST

Mr Filip Cotfas, Channel Manager, CoSoSys

Changes in the workplace, geopoliticalfactors, and changing business requirements are just a few of the reasons thatdata security is a fluid reality that constantly takes on new forms. With somany new variables to consider, the question becomes: how do you efficientlykeep your business productive and secure? The short answer is to concentrate ontwo aspects: identity and data. Consider this: every employee, customer, orcontractor who joins a company has a digital identity, and all theseentities consume, produce, transfer, and transport data. Your organizationshould be laser-focused on identity and data in 2023, and the technologies thatsecure these elements will need to evolve.


Mr FilipCotfas shares his opinion with The Hans India on "A new approach to Datasecurity for the New Year". Mr Filip has an impressive background in sales andproject management. As a Channel Manager at CoSoSys, he is utilizing hisextensive skills for daily operating efficiency with a focus on the SouthAsia, Middle East and Northern Europe markets. Filip`s objective is to help businesses overcome their security challenges and protect their sensitiveinformation. He is goal-oriented with a genuine passion for sales and businessdevelopment.

Remote/Hybrid working model - Increases the riskof accidental exposure

Unfortunately, a remote/hybrid work modelintroduces a slew of new risks to corporate data. Many businesses try toaddress this by imposing stringent restrictions on company-owned devices, butthis does not eliminate such threats: If the user has no restrictions on theirbusiness device and can mix work and personal activities, they mayunintentionally share sensitive company information through these platforms.However, suppose you prohibit users from using private software and/or socialmedia on company devices. In that case, they will be more likely to transferdata between their personal and work computers using, for example, USB drivesor transferring information using private and company email addresses orprivate cloud storage. Whatever solution you choose, you must accept that youremployees are no longer under your direct control and frequently mix work andpersonal life. The increased risk of accidentally exposing sensitive data in aremote/hybrid work model necessitates the use of Data Loss Prevention (DLP)solutions, which must focus on end-user activities. As a result, we cananticipate DLP solution growth trends focusing on end-user devices.

Recession means more opportunities for data breaches

Nobody predicted that right after COVID-19 sunsets, we'd faceanother financial crisis and stalled market growth. We are in the early stagesof a major recession, and its long-term effects on businesses are difficult topredict. We already see mass layoffs in both large corporations and small andmedium-sized businesses. This also implies that more businesses will be willingto go above and beyond legal and ethical to gain a competitive advantage. Thisis where a well-implemented DLP solution can provide early warning of internaland external threats that could lead to data loss. Businesses may need to shifttheir focus from accidental data loss to intentional inside threat actors andattacks like spear phishing in 2023. DLP solutions must function as an earlywarning system for any suspicious activity by remote/hybrid employeesand a lifebuoy for targets of well-planned attacks. It will also help to avoidthe consequences of well-planned spear phishing attacks from criminalorganizations.

Compliance entails increasing requirements in response to growing threats Industries where data is critical, such as healthcare and finance, as well as military/aerospace, are already facing a slew of compliance requirements, necessitating the use of DLP solutions. However, as threats and risks continue to evolve, compliance practices are expected to further ensure the security of sensitive data. What is now open to interpretation in cybersecurity compliance standards may soon be stated clearly, rushing organizations to adopt specific solutions such as DLP. DLP providers, on the other hand, DLP providers should be prepared to adapt to any new standards that emerge, even in currently unregulated industries.

About CoSoSys

CoSoSys is a leading developer of endpoint-centric DataLoss Prevention (DLP) solutions and security software. Our mission is to enablebusinesses and end users worldwide to take full advantage of theperformance benefits of mobility, portability, and communications solutions without compromising security.

Their flagship product, Endpoint Protector, is anadvanced all-in-one DLP solution for Windows, acOS, and Linux as well as Thin Clientsthat end unintentional data leaks, protects from malicious datatheft and offer seamless control of portable storage devices. EndpointProtector is certified with Common Criteria EAL2, was Highly Commended for DLP atthe SC Awards Europe 2018 and won in the Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) categoryat the 2018, 2017 and 2016 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards. It was alsorecognized in the 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data LossPrevention and by the Radicati Group in the Enterprise Data Loss PreventionMarket Quadrant 2017. 



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