Technology and why it matters

Update: 2019-05-06 10:27 IST

So what has happened with the technology the latest years? Both society and technology has developed a lot and I'm sure you are able to think of some key aspects of how internet has evolved the past years as well. So how has internet evolved the past years? We have summarized some of the key internet evolvements the past years. Not only have we all been able to get faster and more stable internet for a cheaper price, it's components has evolved a lot as well. Let us take through some of the key aspects and perks:


Internet calls

Since this is one of the main perks, at least to me, I decided to keep this one at the top. How sweet isn't it to call your beloved ones via the internet whenever you want? This service doesn't stop at "normal" traditional calls. Via your device or third party software apps you will be able to make video calls whenever you want. When making video calls it's extra important that you have a good connection to your network. Preferred here, if you pay for 3G/4G on your smartphone is to use your home WiFi where you most probably don't pay for the data you use. Of course you were able to make calls via your phone before via your operator. But this had to be paid for via your phone bill. When making calls via your phone through apps you're not necessarily paying for your calls.

Online casinos

If this was before 2010 you wouldn't be able to enjoy the joy of gambling online. Also you would need to drag yourself to a land based casino probably far away in order to play your favorite casino games. Lucky for us, this is 2019 and you can access online casinos through your computer, smartphone or tablet. Many casinos online are available and online casinos in India are here to stay. Their success has not escaped many and with casino comparing websites you are able to find your favorite casino easily.

The websites and graphics

Have you seen an old website? Those websites look like absolute garbage. But hey, we don't blame the webmasters. I mean, today you are able to make a kickass website easily through wordpress with a theme. There are also a lot of free wordpress themes available today. Another key aspect why we have nice websites today is simply because of technology and the developers focusing on the web.

Internet speed

This is also one of the key perks. I can start with taking you back to the dial up internet I was sharing with my sister. Imagine me being in one of the end trying to access internet and my 15 year old on the other end trying to call her friends through her phone, both using the same phone line. As you can imagine, this was an absolute nightmare. A few years later we got internet with a separate phone line and we could do our business as we pleased.

The latest key development of internet speed is that we have internet connection in our phones which we bring every day. When I got my first phone it had GPRS and I paid a lot for every byte used. Then I got my first iPhone and was able to access 3G which was smooth when browsing websites. I probably don't need to mention where we are today, I'm browsing youtube videos and memes faster than lightning. Where do you think are we in 10 years?

Social Media

Some of the latest statistics suggest that today in 2019, 2.77 billion people use some sort of social media. This include apps like facebook, instagram, snapchat, and twitter. But it all makes total sense. With internet we're suddenly able to publish information on various places online, why not connect this information to a person and making it visible to various users? Most of us spend the majority of our time online on social media platforms, me included. Is the social media platforms outgrowing the in real life social media platforms? Undoubtedly it feels like it at least.

Online entertainment

Today we have our favorite entertainment directly in our laptops and smartphones. Whether it is your favorite movie or song you will be able to access it through your preferred device. If it was before the year of 2000 and you wanted to enjoy one of your many favorite movies or songs you would need to locate the physical tape or CD and insert it into a VHS or CD-player. Today it's a whole nother story as only need your laptop or smartphone.

Local news and notifications

Being able to get the latest news to your preferred device is great! Even better if that specific news site has an app where you can get notifications on the go. If this was before the year of 2000 we would have to wait many hours to get the latest local and international news. The media channels back then were TV, radio and newspapers. Today we are exposed to additional media channels such as the internet where we get news videos and articles directly on the go, wherever we are.

For the better or worse

Some might say that it was better before. We're not too sure it was better before. When looking at the perks and cons of internet technology we think that the perks outweigh the cons. The cons in this case is most people are busy with looking into their smartphones and not focusing on what is in front of them, almost like zombies. Are you reading this from your smartphone perhaps? Then you might be on the perk-side like ourselves. My mother says I spend too much time on my phone. While I'm on my phone I'm in most cases browsing the internet. But why am browsing the internet? My brain is always on the look for new information and it's easily accessed. This was certainly not the case before the year of 2000. Please enjoy the awesome technology!



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