Partial Lunar eclipse tonight: Tips to click perfect photos from your smartphone

Update: 2019-07-16 11:07 IST

A partial lunar eclipse will take place tonight. The eclipse will be visible at 12:13 AM IST, July 17 when the Moon will enter penumbra followed by at 1:31 AM IST, the moon will be at the umbra region. Capture this celestial event be prepared with your smartphone cameras. You need to wait till 3 AM on July 17, to watch the complete dark moon when the lunar eclipse is at its peak.


So, if you are planning to capture this lunar eclipse with your smartphone, find some tips to get the best images from your phone. 

1. Choose a clear location, get to a high rise location


2. Fix your phone firmly on a good tripod and clean the lenses of your smartphone


3. Turn on the self-timer of phone's camera or use a remote clicker to capture images stable


4. Turn on the HDR mode to get fine details in the photos


5. Focus on the moon and lock the camera focuses on it only


6. Go for Burst mode to get the best images


7. Turn off flash on your phone completely to avoid ruining your photos


8. Choose the maximum possible resolution from the settings of the camera app


9. To have better control over exposure, white balance and shutter speed always use the pro-mode of the camera


10. A time-lapse video is a great way to check celestial events like eclipses if done properly

Remember, patience is the key for shooting time-lapse videos. If you get two minutes of footage, it only means a few seconds of time lapse. Please shoot at length for a better and longer duration of time-lapse footage.


11. Do not zoom your smartphone and never use the maximum zoom. Use zoom accessories instead.


12. Remember to edit photos. You can opt for Adobe Lightroom, PicsArt Studio or Pixlr to enhance the picture by tweaking the exposure and contrast of the image. 




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