Instagram Blackmail: College boy steal 6.4 lakh Rs and ornaments to pay 'fake girlfriend'

Update: 2019-04-06 12:23 IST

An impostor, probably a 21-year-old man, tricked a 17-year-old college boy into sharing his nudity and then used it to extort Rs 6.4 lakh and ornaments. The imposter blackmailed the college boy for a period of two months according to the complaint filed with the Rajajinagar police in Bangalore.

Please find the details about this extortion case and what you should ideally do if someone blackmails you on Instagram.


1. The imposter created a fake Instagram account of a girl last year

2. Then he got in touch with the 17-year old college boy on Instagram

3. The college boy, assuming him to be a true female friend, started chatting on Instagram

4. The so-called new 'girlfriend' initiated intimate chats with the college boy on Instagram

5. The college boy got involved with his new Instagram girlfriend and started sharing his nude photos

6. The 'girlfriend' then created another fake Instagram account of the college boy by using the boy's personal information

7. The 'girlfriend' then used this fake Instagram account to send the same nude pictures of the college boy and started blackmailing during the exams in December last year

8. The 'girlfriend' demanded Rs 10 lakh from the college boy or told him that his nude photos would be posted on social media

9. The college boy, feeling helpless, started stealing money and valuables from his home to pay him or the 'girlfriend'

10. According to the police, the college boy stole a total of Rs 6.4 lakh and 17 silver pieces from his house and paid the 'girlfriend'

11. When the family of the college boy began to doubt the theft at home, the boy confessed to his father

12. What to do if someone blackmails you on Instagram

Report and contact police authorities immediately. If you do not want someone to see your posts or contact you, block that person.

13. There is a website dedicated to reporting abuse anonymously to the police. Visit

14. What if someone blackmails you for intimate images, videos or messages

Your private content is yours. It is incorrect and contrary to the rules to share or threaten to share your images, videos or intimate messages without your consent. If this happens and it is not your fault, take steps to protect yourself. Do not feel helpless and give in to the demands of the scammers

15. Remember, it is a criminal offence to blackmail and extort money from someone over the internet and it can be easily traced 



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