Ma. Subramanian Says Tamil Nadu's Third COVID-19 Wave Has Begun

Update: 2022-01-03 14:45 IST

Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma. Subramanian and Health Secretary J. Radhakrishnan and Chennai Commissioner Gagandeep Singh Bedi hold a meeting on COVID-19 preparedness at the Ripon Building in Chennai on January 2, 2022. 

According to Health Minister Ma. Subramanian said that Tamil Nadu has entered the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The infection is becoming worse. While touring the 17th mega vaccination centre, he stated that it has been increasing gradually in the last few days. He was referring to the number of new cases in the State.

He stated that out of the 33.22 lakh kids aged 15 to 18 who would be vaccinated on Monday at Manthoppu Government Girls Higher Secondary School in Saidapet, 26 lakh will be covered by local bodies with help from the School Education and Higher Education Departments.


He mentioned that 46 percent of the four lakh engineering students had obtained the first dose, and 12 percent had received the second dose.

Despite the fact that Chennai continues to dominate the state in immunisation, he stated that more than five lakh people have yet to receive even one dosage of the vaccine. Those infected with the Omicron version of the new coronavirus are currently subjected to swab tests on the third and fifth days of hospitalisation. If they test negative both times, they are released and given instructions for home therapy.

The Department of Health has proposed a protocol that the United Kingdom will adopt. Patients with the Omicron variant are virtually monitored under it. They are given a pulse oximeter and instructed to keep track of their oxygen levels in a notepad. They should go to the hospital if the level drops below 92.

Mr. Subramanian further stated about those infected after finishing the two-dose regimen will now be urged to stay at home, thanks to a change in the Union government's hospital admission guideline. Those experiencing symptoms would be admitted to COVID-19 Care Centers, while those with major health concerns would be admitted to hospitals on their own.

Meanwhile, at Injambakkam and Manjambakkam, he claimed, the Health Department has set up 100 beds. It had been planned to build 800 beds at the Chennai Trade Centre, with 2,000 beds at the housing board facilities. The Higher Education Department and the Director of Collegiate Education will convene on Monday to arrange for the hostels to be evacuated and beds to be provided.



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