Tim Cook, Apple CEO on his legacy and Apple’s autonomous car

Update: 2018-11-22 19:11 IST

 New Delhi: Legacy is a word which is thrown around a lot at Apple, especially when it comes to its co-founder late Steve Jobs. What’s Jobs legacy? Such was the aura of Jobs that almost anything and everything Apple does even today; the Jobs factor doesn’t go away. But what about the legacy of Tim Cook its current CEO, who has been at the helm of affairs for more than seven years now.


Recently in an interview with CNN, Cook was asked about what he thinks his legacy would be. The Apple CEO told that he honestly “doesn’t think about it too much.” “I just do stuff,” he told. He further elaborated that, “I hope that some of the stuff I do winds up helping other people.” Cook further added if at his funeral someone would say, “He was a good and decent man then I think that’s a good life.”

Cook was also inquired about Apple’s rumoured autonomous car, which has been the talk of the tech town for a while: While Cook was cautious in his response; he did disclose that Apple is working more on the software side. “We are working on autonomy, autonomous systems but it’s more on the software side.” The interview was organised in the month of October but the video was recently released by CNN.

Cook spoke about a host of other issues as well in other interviews. A few days ago, he was asked about why Apple continues to use Google as the primary search engine on their devices. He openly told that Google has got the best search engine. Cook has been enthusiastic in his opinions about regulation and privacy issues in Silicon Valley. Cook revealed that earlier this year in the month of January only he moved into the Apple Park campus.



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