Detox your hair!

Update: 2019-01-13 05:30 IST

Nutritional deficiencies, environmental pollution, hormones imbalances and the stressful lifestyle leads to lacklustre, thinning hair and hair loss. The use of chemical-laden hair styling products like soaps, shampoo, hair masks, clog our pores leading to dead, dull, greasy and lifeless hair.

Too much styling and colouring at hair salons frequently lead to breakage, dull and split ends. Regularly washing your hair is not enough to keep it clean.    Shampooing alone does not cleanse your scalp deep enough to get rid of pollutants and dirt. A thorough cleansing of the scalp with natural ingredients can revive your pretty, shiny hair and restore back hair health and lustre.


The most common causes of hair damage are repeated use of chemical hair styling lotions, or colouring, dyeing, bleaching and direct heat applications. The chemical lotions disrupt the normal acid-alkaline balance of the scalp and leave it prone to problems. Damaged hair means that it is time to detox. First of all, discontinue the procedures that lead to damage.

Damaged hair is in a fragile condition, so treat it gently. Avoid brushes and use a wide-toothed comb with smooth edges. To heal damaged hair, have detox treatments to help nurse the hair back to good health. First of all, have the hair trimmed to remove split ends. Then start with warm oil therapy. Mix one-part castor oil with two parts coconut oil. Heat and apply on the hair. Remember to apply on the ends too. Then dip a towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and wrap the hot towel around the head, like a turban. 

Keep it on for 5 minutes. Repeat the hot towel wrap 3 or 4 times. This helps the hair and scalp absorb the oil better. Avoid vigorous massage and rubbing when you apply oil. Keep the oil on overnight and wash hair the next day, using a mild herbal shampoo. Avoid very hot water. After shampoo, wrap a towel around the head and allow it to absorb excess water.

You can use baking soda for hair detox. Sodium bicarbonate is an extraordinary cleanser and a great exfoliate that gently removes product buildup. Mix half cup baking soda in 3 cups hot water and massage your scalp with the mixture for few minutes and later on rinse it out. It will remove oil accumulation on the scalp and fight dandruff. You can use it once a week.

The apple cider vinegar helps wipe out product residue and oil while adding shine. As a home remedy mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to a mug of water cup. Shampoo and condition your hair as usual and then pour the diluted apple cider vinegar on your hair and do not rinse. It is the easiest way to detox and you can use it once a week.

You can also detox your hair through sea salt. Mix two parts of sea salt with one-part shampoo and apply it on your hair till it creates a good lather. Rinse it off with cool water and you will get rid of dead skin. You can use this once in a month.

Intake of seasonal fruit and vegetables promotes digestion and cleans digestive tract facilitating proper absorption of minerals, vitamins that keep our skin healthy and radiant. You can add amla, aloe vera, ghee and beetroot in your diet for naturally detoxifying your hair.



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