Why Just Let Go is not a good idea

Update: 2018-12-02 05:30 IST

After a long time, I have just learned to let go and let things happen. But you recently told me that I had to work towards it. I am very confused, Sadhguru! 

Sadhguru: Now that you are confused, that’s good. That’s the intention, to keep you always confused. If you are confused, it means you are still looking. It means you still don’t know. Please understand, there are only two ways for your mind to be right now. Either it is confused, or it has made some conclusion. I always prefer to have you confused rather than being in some stupid conclusion. 


I know this has been talked about too much and written about everywhere – “You must let go.” You don’t even know what you should let go of. “Let go” is another idea of yours about life. As long as you are alive, you are not really able to let go. At the most, if you are fortunate, you may place your life in someone else’s hands with trust. That’s the biggest thing you can do. Letting go is just a phrase that never happens – your mind has acquired a new formula. 

This has become a mantra for all kinds of people who are afraid of taking their life into their hands and creating what they should. “Oh, we have let go.” This kind of “let go” will let you down. Once, a hypnotist bombastically said he would take everyone in the hall together into a “let go” state of hypnosis all at once. “I want you each to keep your eyes on this antique watch. 

It’s a very special watch. It has been in my family for six generations,” he said. He began to swing the watch back and forth while quietly chanting, “Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch…” The crowd became mesmerised as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface. Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch. Suddenly, it slipped from the hypnotist’s fingers and fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred pieces. “Shit,” said the hypnotist. It took three weeks to clean up the theatre!

“Let go” is just a convenience that you have chosen. So, don’t bother about this. Don’t be ready to just jump onto a bandwagon and say, “This is my new belief!” Yoga is not about believing, it is about having the courage to see that “I don’t know.” Once you see, “I do not know anything”, the longing to know will become a fire. Once this fire arises, knowing is not far away because what you need to know is within. 

The only reason you don’t know is because you never focused yourself in that direction – you are settling for other entertainment. If you really long to know, no power on earth can stop you because what is within you cannot be denied to you. 



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